<報文>都市廃棄物の処理と資源化に関する基礎研究(IV) : 亜鉛, マンガンおよび水銀のアルカリ乾電池からの回収
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The use of primary batteries such as manganese and alkaline-manganese dry cells has become very popular for cordless electronic devices and production of those batteries amounts to several billion a year. The convenience of batteries for modern life has brought the serious soil and air pollution problems through the use of mercury which serves an essential function at zinc cathode on discharge. In order to overcome this mercury pollution problem, we propose several processes from the viewpoint of mineral dressing and metallurgy to treat those batteries as urban minerals which contain sufficient amounts of zinc and manganese after removal of mercury. The merits and demerits of battery treatments in zinc refinery by means of hydro- and/or pyrometallurgical methods are discussed basing on the experimental results of the behaviours of batteries on heating in air and on leaching in acid and alkaline solutions. From the results, the difficulties of the treatments of batteries at the zinc refinery become clear as follows : 1) Batteries are difficult to crush because of their multilayered structure and they cannot be broken down into components easily. 2) Acid and alkaline teachings are also difficult due to the resistance of the nickel-plated steel container without crushing. 3) The removal of impurities originating from the battery, such as Mn, Co, Ni and Hg, requires many additional complicated processes for purification of zinc electrolyte. 4) Pyrometallurgical treatment for evaporating mercury in a multi-hearth roaster is found to be very effective and then it seems most probable to produce ferroalloy and zinc dust by carbon reduction at high temperature. In conclusion, the separation of waste batteries to each components is essential for recycling zinc and manganese at each refinery and mercury should be removed as a vapor on heating and immobilized as insoluble mercury compounds such as Hg_2Cl_2.MercuryAlkaline manganese batteryResourceZincManganeseThermal analysisWaste batteryUrban mineral
- 東北大学の論文
- 1985-09-30
南條 道夫
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
南條 道夫
南條 道夫
Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
竹中 伸也
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- 蛍石選鉱の現状と問題点
- レアメタルの精製錬 (II) ニオブ (IV), ニオブ機能材料
- レアメタル資源に関する研究 (IV) ブラジル, Vale do Ribeira 産カーボナタイトのキャラクタリゼーションと処理法の検討
- 硫酸塩水溶液中のSm2(SO4)3およびNd2(SO4)3の溶解度--希土類磁石材料のリサイクリングに関する基礎的研究
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- レアメタル資源に関する研究(III) : 福島県川俣産ペグマタイト中のレアメタル
- 都市廃棄物の処理と資源化に関する基礎的研究(V) : セレンのリサイクリング
- プラズマ式灰溶融炉における飛灰混合溶融
- 都市廃棄物の処理と資源化に関する基礎的研究(VII) : Nb・Ti, Nb_3Sn超電導線材スクラップからのNbリサイクリング工程における脱銅過程
- 都市廃棄物の処理と資源化に関する基礎的研究(VI) : 含銀写真廃液の処理
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- (1) リサイクルの視点(主題 : 金属・セラミックス資源のリサイクリング)(選研シンポジウム)(選鉱製錬研究会記事)
- (8) 二次原料からの高純度金属の製造(主題 : 機能素材の高純度化-現状と展望)(第 36 回 非鉄製錬研究懇談会)(選鉱製錬研究会記事)
- 都市鉱山開発-包括的資源観による : リサイクルシステムの位置付け
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- 資源回収から見た乾電池中の有価金属
- 都市廃棄物の処理と資源化に関する基礎研究(IV) : 亜鉛, マンガンおよび水銀のアルカリ乾電池からの回収
- 都市廃棄物の処理と資源化に関する基礎的研究(III) : 電気集じん灰の鉄共沈セメント固化処理
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