- 論文の詳細を見る
The measurements of density and viscosity of molten FeO-SiO_2 system were carried out by means of the Archimedean method and the rotational cylinder method, respectively. The experiments were made under Ar atmosphere using an iron crucible, bob and rotator to avoid a change in composition of the smaple. In the density measurements, the concentration range covered 10 to 35 wt % silica contents and the temperature range 1300 to 1400℃. In the viscosity measurements, it covered 0 to 38 wt % silica contents and 1250 to 1450℃. The experimental results are summarized as follows : 1. The density of the melts decreases with increasing of silica contents of the melt, e. g., at l400℃ the density decreases monotonically from 4.55 g/cm^3 for FeO melt (single bob measurement) to 3.58 g/cm^3 for FeO-35 wt % SiO_2 melt. 2. The excess molar volume of these melts is negative. 3. The experimental error of the density measurements is estimated to be below 0.5 % absolute. 4. The change of viscosity with temperature follows the Arrhenius equation. However, it seems that a small deviation from the Arrhenius equation occurrs near to the fayalite composition. 5. There are sharp maximum values at the fayalite composition in the curves of viscosity and activation energy vs. composition. 6. The experimental error of the viscosity measurements is estimated to be +9% to -8% as a maximum. 7. The behavior of viscosity observed in the vicinity of the fayalite composition may be attributed to the formation of 2FeO・SiO_2 clusters in the melt. Therefore, by assuming the applicability of the Einstein equation, the mean size of such clusters was estimated using thermodynamic data.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1973-11-24
白石 裕
斎藤 恒三
田村 明
池田 克郎
池田 克郎
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