教科書の検討(I) : 中学・高校体育新教科書とその問題点
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Though there had been many controversial issues on textbooks in various subject areas, textbooks on "Health and Physical Education" seemed to have rather been excluded from those issues before 1960. However, many critisisms and examinations on health area in textbooks have rapidly been presented since the beginning of l960s, because of the implementation of "Newly Revised Educational Guideline", and reflection of a social situation in which "Life and Health" problems became one of the major concerns among people in Japan. The following points were identified after reviewing physical education textbooks, five for Junior High School published in 1972 and nine for Senior High School published in 1973,in order to acertain physical education as it should be, and to grasp the direction of " The Proposals of Educational Reformation" made by The Central Council of Education and the true meanings of curriculum rivisions; 1) lack of social scientific approaches in physical education 2) lack of both historical views and future perspectives in physical education, sports and recreation 3) lack of descriptions on defensive physical fitness in physical fitness area 4) crisis of government authorization of textbooks and giving educational priority to government Out of those mentioned above, it can be concluded that more emphasis has placed in those textbooks upon practical approaches, "How to do Physical Education", than theoretical recognitions. Hence, more effective study on textbooks should be made to publish democratic ones.
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