治療的レクリエーションの一つの試み : 腰痛症,頚肩腕障害に対する治療的役割に関する研究
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The purpose of this study was to find the effectivness of recreational activities-mainly conditioning exercises and sport activities-applied to the back pain and shoulder-arm pain patients. The followings are some effectivness of recreational activities which were found in this study : 1) Improving and recovering their abnormal physical conditions, symtoms and physical abilities 2) Changing actively their attitudes toward the illness and medical treatments 3) Releasing emotional tenssions for the human relation produced by the illness 4) Promoting to find out their new life style as the result of active participation of leisur activities Two primary concerns should be made by the medical staff and the patients that : first, the medical staff should make the patients to stimulate their independencies through the proper individual care, and second, the patients should be aspiring to find out the pleasurable points participating sport activities voluntarily. It is finaly concluded that therapeutic recreational approach for the back pain and shoulder-arm pain patients should be placed as the good opportunity to make them to recover their life and labour volitions. A close relationship between the medical and physical staff and the patients is very important factor during the period of treatments. It is not only medical care but also their whole life situation.
- 東海大学の論文
高橋 和敏
高橋 和敏
高橋 和敏
大堀 孝雄
芹沢 憲一
芹沢 憲一
高橋 和敏
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