- 論文の詳細を見る
This experimentation was a service on therapeutic recreation as a part of therapeutic programs intended for hospitalized patients of the open typed psychiatric ward at X University Hospital as a joint study between the Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine and the Department of Physical Recreation, School of Physical Education within the same organization of X University. The program was named "The 4th Floor B Ward Recreation" coming from the location of the ward at the hospital. 1. The Contents of the Implementation for "The 4th Floor B Ward Recreation" : 1) Termes, hours, times, and the staff for the implementation in the year of 1992 and 1993,the programs were conducted from June to December, totally 17 times, time duration of 13 : 30∿15 : 00 (90min. each); of 1994- from June to December, 15 times, the same hours and duration. The staff members were consisted of 3 to 4 recreation leaders, 4 to 5 medical doctors, one nurse, 6 to 7 students of the medical department, and 6 to 7 students of a nursing school. The participants in the program were from young child to the elder of the both of male and female patients. 2) The program contents Category (1) New sports activities (Soft Volley, Flying Disk, and Mini Hockey, etc.) Category (2) Social game activites (Japanese mora, Various ball games, etc.) Category (3) P1ayful activities containing songs and dances Category (4) Quizzes and puzzles, etc. 2. Evalnation Elements for "The 4th Floor B Ward Recreation" : 1) For individual patients : Physical ability, cognitive ability, affective condition, human relationship. 2) For therapeutic effectiveness : Affective expression, understanding self-role and behavior, cooperating and assisting experience with others. 3) For the group as a whole : Changing mood and atomsphare in the ward as a whole, Sociometry among the patients. 4) For stractural elements of the program and the instructional method. 3. Summary and Overview for Three Years Practicum Survey and Instruction : 1) Evaluation by the patients regarding the result of its enquete survey in recognition of questionnaires and free description method (1) In 1992 according to the result of the survey, more than 50% of the patients expressed their positive opinions such expressions as enjoyable and pleasurable; being able to have physical exercises and dissolving hypokinetic condition; being able to have communication with others and becoming a happy heart. (2) In 1994,the opinions of "pleasurable・enjoyable" "diversifying the mind" "being satisfied "were between 70% to 90%; and the ratio of "satisfactory feeling of exercises" was at 70% above. 2) Evaluation by the doctors from the everytime-reviews (1) Possible to become the significant information resources obtained through the programs because of straightfowardly expressing each patient's character and behavior patterns, and becouse of recognizing patients speech and behavior which could not appear in their daily living at the ward of the hospital. (2) Patients, who recognized their recuperation from a certain condition by themselves, and who were recognized so by others, were in parallel with thier recuperation very positive to participate in the programs of recreation activities; therefore, it is possible for the programs to become a barometer of its therapeutic and remedial effects. 3) Regarding operated programs Sports events and activities, activities having contingency and unanticipated occurrence, and team competition typed activities had a tendency toward being liked. 4) The point at issue in and for the programs (1) Participation of the patients as a whole was impossible. (2) Exchanging the information between the medical staff and those of recreation instruction was not good enough. (3) The program was not yet evaluated as a group therapy.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1997-03-31
相良 博昭
相良 博昭
杉山 文子
知念 嘉史
大堀 孝雄
知念 嘉史
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