- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper describes a new method for analyzing the flow visualized by using an image processing technique with Fuzzy reasoning. The purpose of the research in to obtain the distance and the direction of the motion of a tracer particle in a flow at a certain interval. Generally, for obtaining a locus of the tracer perticules, two pictures which are the primary picture of particles in a flow at time "t" and the secondary picture of the particles in the flow at time "t+dt" are used. Because there are lot of the tracer particles in the flow, the correspondence between a tracer particle in the primary picture and the same tracer particle in the secondary picture is not so clear. Furthermore the flow situation varies place (area) to place (area) depending upon physical conditions. In addition, the boundary of the area is not clear and the areas presumably exert influence upon each other. Here, the area is called the Fuzzy area denoted by ω_i(i=1,2,…, m). The whole space is given by Ω=∪︀ ω_i. Firstly giving a tracer particle's position P_k in a Fuzzy area ω_a, membership function μ(p) gives the ratio at which P_k belongs to ω_a. Fuzzy reasoning is practiced to make an accurate forecaste where the tracer particles will be after "dt". Fuzzy set for obtaining the tracer particle's position P'_k can be obtained. If p_k belongs to several Fuzzy-area ω_i, Fuzzy set is obtained by using another membership function. Therefore, Fuzzy relationship R is ω→A=ω×A where A is the Fuzzy set for the membership function μ(P) and "×" is a direct product. When a direct product is defined as "min" operation, a composition rule, that is, a reasoning to obtain a conclusion is as follows : ω'* (ω×A) =A'from a premises condition. Where * means max-☆ composite function. The symbol ☆ is able to choose accordingly reasoning result. A distance r and an angle θ moving tracer particles are regard as a vector. Two membership functions are defined for the reason about r and θ. And composition rule is obtain by the premises conditions and the reasoning. In conclusion, some tracer particles are thrown in the water flow and a primaly picture is taken at "t". The tracer particle's position after dt, p_k, is obtained from p'_k and a good resul is obtained after the picture processing.
- 東海大学の論文
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