<研究報告>緑色植物の再生現象に対する日光の影響 第6報 : トウロウソウの葉を挿子としてホルモン処理した場合の再生成績
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The worker tried regeneration experiments of leaf cuttings of Br. calycinum as materials. The procedures were as follows : Exp. I . Group 1. Controls. After treated with a 3 or 6 hours soak in distiled water, the leaf cuttings were placed on sterilised sand, wetted with pure city water. Group 2. Treated with dilute NAA solutions. After treated with a 3 or 6 hours soak in NAA 10^<-4> diluted solutions the leaf cuttings were similarly placed on sand by the same method as Group 1. In this case, distiled water was used for solvent. EXP. II. Group 1. Controls., By the same method as Exp. I. Group 1. Gruop 2. Treated with dilute NAA solutions. (1) Except that the concentration of NAA solution is 2/3×lO^<-4>, the method is the same as Exp. I. Group 2. (2) Except that the concentration of NAA solution is1/2×10^<-4>, the method is the same as Exp. I . Group 2. Results of these experiments were as follows : 1. Concerning root responses, the group of 1/2×10^<-4> concentration was the most prominent, while the controls were the most inferior, and the group of NAA 2/3×10^<-4> concentration was between them. o 2. When treated with cone, solution, the rooting was retarded; but the number of roots tended to increase. 3. The sprouting was significantly later than rooting, and it was inhibited by treatment with NAA solution still more. 4. Sprout responses were most prominent in controls and most inferior in NAA 2/3×10^<-4> concentration. 5. Results of a 6 hours soak were better than those of a 3 Lours soak both in root and sprout responses. (Biological Laboratory, Fukuoka Women's University)
- 福岡女子大学の論文
- 1955-04-30
- 緑色植物の再生現象に対する日光の影響 第7報 : 日光条件を異にする育成地から採取した材料に於ける再生比較(1)
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- 緑色植物の再生現象に対する日光の影響 第6報 : トウロウソウの葉を挿子としてホルモン処理した場合の再生成績
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