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[Purpose] The goal of this study was to examine the characteristics of dependent elderly persons in the home and their burden on their family caregivers. [Method] This study examines the use of visiting nursing services for functionally impaired, non-institutionalized elderly persons. The responses of 141 clients and their family caregivers were collected by visiting nurses and public health nurses. All clients were registered with the "Kobe Institute for Home Care." The real sample size for this study was 113 families consisting of clients over 65 years of age. [Results] The results were as follows : 1. Concerning age, the ratio of extremely old to old clients was two to one. Women were older than men (p<.05 ; t test). 2. While almost all males had a live spouse (95.8%), less than half of the females did (38.5%). 3. Most clients who had had strokes were men, while most clients with decrepitude/dementia were women. 4. The most frequently prescribed combination service with nursing was to provide help taking a bath at home (50%). This was followed by housework (37.2%). 5. The results of the multiple regression analysis indicated that the factors determining the burden on the family member/caregiver were the following : 1) The client's sex, age, desire to recover, and degree of difficulty in walking ; 2) The family member/caregiver's willingness to provide continuous care and the stress caused by it ; 3) The relationship between the clients and family members/caregivers ; and 4) The amount of medical care required by the clients.
- 神戸市看護大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
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