MR Imaging of Uterine Adenosarcoma : Case Report and Literature Review
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- 2011-12-01
和田 和彦
和田 昭彦
天理よろづ相談所病院 放射線部mr部門
WADA Akihiko
Department of Radiology, Shimane Medical College
Wada Akihiko
Department Of Hygiene Fujita Health University Of Medicine
Kitagaki Hajime
Department Of Radiology Shimane University Faculty Of Medicine
Kitagaki Hajime
Department Of Neuroimaging Research Hyogo Institute For Aging Brain And Cognitive Disorders
Yoshizako Takeshi
Department Of Radiology Shimane University Faculty Of Medicine
Miyazaki Kohji
Department Of Gynecology Shimane Medical University
Ishikawa Noriyuki
Department Of Organ Pathology Shimane University Faculty Of Medicine
Miyazaki Kohji
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Shimane University Faculty Of Medicine
Wada Akihiko
Department Of Radiology Shimane University Faculty Of Medicine
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