Dexmedetomidine and clonidine inhibit the function of Na_v1.7 independent of α_2-adrenoceptor in adrenal chromaffin cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-08-20
Tsuneyoshi Isao
Department Of Anesthesiology And Critical Care Medicine Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medi
Nemoto Takayuki
Department Of Pharmacology Miyazaki Medical College University Of Miyazaki
Nemoto Takayuki
Department Of Biochemistry Lwate Medical University School Of Dentistry
Satoh Shinya
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Wada Akihiko
Dep. Of Pharmacology Miyazaki Medical Coll. Univ. Of Miyazaki Jpn
Wada Akihiko
Department Of Hygiene Fujita Health University Of Medicine
Kanai Tasuku
Department Of Pharmacology Miyazaki Medical College University Of Miyazaki
Yanagita Toshihiko
Dep. Of Pharmacology Miyazaki Medical Coll. Univ. Of Miyazaki Jpn
Yanagita Toshihiko
Department Of Pharmacology Miyazaki Medical College University Of Miyazaki
丸田 豊明
Maruta Toyoaki
Department Of Anesthesiology Miyazaki Medical College University Of Miyazaki
Tsuneyoshi Isao
Department Of Anesthesiology Miyazaki Medical College University Of Miyazaki
Satoh Shinya
Department Of Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery Miyazaki Medical College University Of Miyazaki
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