The Effect of Halogenation of Phe-Phenyl Group of Two Consecutive Phe Residues Present in Neuropeptide Substance P on Its Specific Receptor Interaction
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-03-01
Takami N
Department Of Dental Materials Science And Technology Iwate Medical University School Of Dentistry
下東 康幸
Division Of Biology Faculty Of Science Fukuoka University
Shimohigashi Yasuyuki
九州大学 理学研究院化学部門構造機能生化学
Shimohigashi Y
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka
Shimohigashi Yasuyuki
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
Takeru Nose
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Sciences Kyushu University
Nezu Takashi
Department Of Prosthetic Dentistry I Faculty Of Dentistry Kyushu University
Shimohigashi Yasuyuki
Laboratory Of Structure-function Biochemistry Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Sciences Kyushu Uni
Shimohigashi Yasuyuki
Laboratory Opf Biochemistry Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
Shimohigashi Yasuyuki
Laboratory Of Structure-function Biochemistry Department Of Chemistry Faculty And Graduate School Of
Nose Takeru
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
Shimohigashi Yasuyuki
Laboratory Of Structure-function Biochemistry Department Of Molecular Chemistry Graduate School Of S
Shimohigashi Y
Laboratory Of Structure-function Biochemistry Faculty And Graduate School Of Science Kyushu Universi
Nishimura Hirokazu
Laboratory Of Structure-function Biochemistry Kyushu University
Shimohigashi Y
Faculty And Graduate School Of Sciences Kyushu University
Sasaki Yusuke
Faculty And Graduate School Of Science Kyushu University
Nishimura Hirokazu
Laboratory Of Structure-function Biochemistry Department Of Chemistry Kyushu University
Nakamura Ryo
Laboratory Of Structure-function Biochemistry Department Of Chemistry Faculty And Graduate School Of Sciences
SUYAMA Keitaro
Laboratory of Structure-Function Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty and Graduate School of Sciences
Suyama Keitaro
Laboratory Of Structure-function Biochemistry Department Of Chemistry Faculty And Graduate School Of Sciences
Nishimura Hirokazu
Laboratory Of Structure-function Biochemistry Department Of Chemistry Faculty And Graduate School Of Sciences
Laboratory of Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
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