- 論文の詳細を見る
Good communication skills are essential for students majoring in engineering today. We focused on how to promote the efficient teaching of oral presentations using JECPRESE, The JapaneseEnglish Corpus of Presentations in Science and Engineering. This paper reports the lexical frequency analysis of parts of speech units found in 109 Japanese presentations given in partial fulfillment of master′s degree requirements by graduate students in chemical and mechanical engineering. The presentations from both disciplines showed about the same numbers of units for most grammatical classes, suggesting that such units are basic to the language of science and technology. The exception was with verbal nouns and field-specific nouns, for which detailed lists could be prepared for each discipline. Interestingly, further examination of the lexicon revealed an influence of English usage on Japanese technical expressions. Our findings suggest that new Japanese expressions are being created to deal with what is being expressed in English, especially for discussing the results.
- 2010-11-20
林 洋子
国吉 ニルソン
野口 ジュディー
野口 ジュディー
武庫川女子大学 : 関西
東條 加寿子
林 洋子
国吉 ニルソン
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