Small Secret Key Attack on a Takagi's Variant of RSA
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For a variant of RSA with modulus N = prq and ed ≡ 1 (mod(p-1)(q-1)), we show that d is to be recovered if d < N(2-√2)/(r+1). (Note that φ(N) ≠ (p-1)(q-1).) Boneh-Durfees result for the standard RSA is obtained as a special case for r=1. Technically, we develop a method for finding a small root of a trivariate polynomial equation f(x, y, z)=x(y-1)(z-1)+1 ≡ 0 (mod e) under the condition that yrz=N. Our result cannot be obtained from the generic method of Jochemsz-May.
- (社)電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2009-01-01
ITOH Kouichi
The University of Tokyo
Ibaraki University
Kunihiro Noboru
The University Of Electro-communications
Kurosawa Kaoru
Ibaraki Univ. Hitachi‐shi Jpn
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