Aberrant expressions of aquaporin-1 in association with capillarized sinusoidal endothelial cells in cirrhotic rat liver
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-03-01
HIBI Toshifumi
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University
Department of Physiology, Saitama Medical School
Oda M
Organized Center Of Clinical Medicine International University Of Health And Welfare
Oda Masaya
Organized Center Of Clinical Medicine International University Of Health And Welfare
Ogi Mariko
Laboratory Of Pathology Kitasato Institute Medical Center Hospital
Hibi Toshifumi
Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Keio University
Hibi Toshifumi
Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Keio University
Hibi Toshifumi
Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Keio University
Yokomori Hiroaki
Division Of Gastroenterology Department Of Internal Medicine Kitasato Institute Medical Center Hospi
Yokomori Hiroaki
Department Of Internal Medicine Kitasato University
Yoshimura Kazunori
Department Of Rehabilitation Nihon Institute Of Medical Science
Yoshimura Kazunori
Department Of Physiology Saitama Medical School
Oda Mizue
Organized Center Of Clinical Medicine International University Of Health And Welfare
Watanabe Shu-ichi
Department Of Physiology Saitama Medical University
Watanabe Shu-ichi
Department Of Physiology Saitama Medical School
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