Characteristics of the Cold-Rolling Texture in a Multi-Layered Material Composed of SUS301 and SUS420J2 Steels
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-05-01
LI Long
Exploratory Materials Research Laboratory for Reliability and Safety, National Institute for Materia
YIN Fuxing
Exploratory Materials Research Laboratory for Reliability and Safety, National Institute for Materia
TANAKA Yoshihisa
Hybrid Materials Research Center, National Institute for Materials Science
Hybrid Materials Research Center, National Institute for Materials Science
NAGAI Kotobu
Exploratory Materials Research Laboratory for Reliability and Safety, National Institute for Materia
Li Long
Exploratory Materials Research Laboratory For Reliability And Safety National Institute For Material
Yin Fuxing
National Inst. For Materials Sci.
Nagai K
National Inst. For Materials Sci. Tsukuba Jpn
Nagai K
Univ. Hyogo
Nagai Kotobu
Exploratory Materials Research Laboratory For Reliability And Safety National Institute For Material
Nagai K
Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
Nagai Kotobu
Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
TANAKA Yoshihisa
National Institute for Materials Science (NJMS)
Yin Fuxing
Exploratory Materials Res. Lab. For Reliability And Safety National Inst. For Materials Sci.
Tanaka Yoshihisa
Composites And Coatings Center National Institute For Materials Science
Kishimoto Satoshi
Kishimoto Satoshi
National Institute For Materials Science
Kishimoto Satoshi
Hybrid Materials Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
Kishimoto Satoshi
5th Research Group National Research Institute For Metals
Nagai K
Metallurgical Processing Group Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
Tanaka Yoshihisa
Hybrid Materials Res. Center National Inst. For Materials Sci.
Tanaka Yoshihisa
Hybrid Materials Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
Nagai K
Exploratory Materials Research Laboratory For Reliability And Safety National Institute For Material
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