Plastic Anisotropy of Strip-Cast Low-Carbon Steels
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2004-02-20
Yin F
National Inst. For Materials Sci. Tsukuba Jpn
Yin Fuxing
National Institute For Materials Science
Yin Fuxing
Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
Yin F
Faculty Of Science Konan University
Nagai Kotobu
National Institute For Materials Science
Nagai Kotobu
Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
Nagai K
National Institute For Materials Science
XU Pingguang
Steel Research Center, National Institute for Materials Science
Xu Pingguang
Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
- Characteristics of the Cold-Rolling Texture in a Multi-Layered Material Composed of SUS301 and SUS420J2 Steels
- Effect of Shear Deformation on Microstructural Evolution of Ni-30Fe Alloy during Hot Deformation
- Effect of Initial Grain Orientation on Evolution of Deformed Microstructure in Hot Compressed Ni-30Fe Alloy
- Ferrite Grain Size Formed by Large Strain-High Z Deformation in a 0.15C Steel
- Effect of Nano-Scale Copper Sulfide Precipitation on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Steel with Tramp Copper Element
- "In-situ" Observation of the δ/γ Phase Transformation on the Surface of Low Carbon Steel Containing Phosphorus at Various Cooling Rates
- Morphology Control of Copper Sulfide in Strip Casting of Low Carbon Steel
- The fiber components in the biaxially warm-deformed low-carbon steels
- Analysis of the dislocation structure in warm - deformed steels by the modified Warren - Averbach X - ray profile method
- Effect of Manganese Segregation on Fine-grained Ferrite Structure in Low-carbon Steel Slabs
- Serration of Grain Boundary in Ni-30Fe Alloy through High Temperature Deformation
- Analysis on Refinement of Columnar γ Grain by Phosphorus in Continuously Cast 0.1mass% Carbon Steel
- Influence of Phosphorus on Solidification Structure in Continuously Cast 0.1mass% Carbon Steel
- Thermodynamics of Phosphorus in the MnO-SiO_2-Fe_tO System
- ニアネットシェイプCCにおける鋳造γ粒径の予測
- Dynamic Recrystallization of Ferrite during Large Strain Warm Compression Of Ultra-Low Carbon Steel
- Classification of Microstructural Evolution During Single Pass-Large Strain-High Z Deformation of a 0.15 C Steel
- Effect of Deformation Temperature and Strain Rate on Evolution of Ultrafine Grained Structure through Single-Pass Large-Strain Warm Deformation in a Low Carbon Steel
- Strain-hardening due to Dispersed Cementite for Low Carbon Ultrafine-grained Steels
- Difference in the Role of Non-quench Aging on Mechanical Properties between Acicular Ferrite and Ferrite-Pearlite Pipeline Steels
- Microstructural and Micro-textural Evolution during Single Pass High Z-large Strain Deformation of a 0.15C Steel
- Prediction on Nominal Stress-Strain Curve of Isotropic Polycrystal Ti-15-3-3-3 Sheet by FE Analysis
- Continuously cast 0.1wt% C steels with high phosphorus : microstructural design and control
- Textures introduced by high-cross-angle cross rolling
- Relationship between Flow Stress and True Plastic Strain : Description by Work Hardening Rate as a function of True Stress
- Evaluation of Plastic Deformation Limit by Circumferentially Notched Tension Test
- Evolution of Columnar γ Grain in Low Carbon Steel and Its Refinement by Additional Elements in Thin Slab Casting Simulator
- Nucleation of Acicular Ferrite on Sulfide Inclusion during Rapid Solidification of Low Carbon Steel
- Interaction between Phosphorus Micro-Segregation and Sulfide Precipitation in Rapidly Solidified Steel-Utilization of Impurity Elements in Scrap Steel
- EBSD Characterization of the Twinning Microstructure in a High-Damping Mn-Cu Alloy
- The Twinning Microstructure and Damping Behavior in Mn-30Cu (at%) Alloy
- Effect of Phosphorus on Sulfide Precipitation in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel
- Crystallography and Precipitation Kinetics of Copper Sulfide in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel
- Precipitation of Copper Sulfides and their Effects on Mechanical Properties in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel
- The Thickness Gradient of Microstructure and Mechanical Property in an As-cast Thin Steel Slab
- EBSD結晶粒径分布測定結果の検証
- Effect of Nano-Scale Copper Sulfide Particles on the Yield Strength and Work Hardening Ability in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel
- Plastic Anisotropy of Strip-Cast Low-Carbon Steels
- Influence of Phosphorus Micro-Segregation on Ferrite Structure in Cast Strips of 0.1mass% C Steel
- Novel processing recyclable and high performance steel bar
- Flow Stress Analysis using the Kocks-Mecking Model for Ferrite-Cementite Steels with Various Ferrite Grain Sizes
- High-speed Deformation for an Ultrafine-grained Ferrite-Pearlite Steel
- The Effects of Static Strain on the Damping Capacity of High Damping Alloys
- Characterization of the Strain-amplitude and Frequency Dependent Damping Capacity in the M2052 Alloy
- Decomposition Behavior of the γ_ Solid Solution in a Mn-20Cu-8Ni-2Fe(at%) Alloy Studied by a Magnetic Measurement
- Decomposition of High Temperature γ_ Phase during Continuous Cooling and Resultant Damping Behavior in Mn_Cu_Ni_Fe_ and Mn_Cu_Ni_Fe_ Alloys
- Effects of Cu on Diffusional Transformation Behavior and Microstructure in Fe-Mn-Si-C Steels
- Structural and Magnetic Properties of Mechanically Deformed Heusler Alloys
- Prediction on Nominal Stress-Strain Curve of Anisotropic Polycrystal with Texture by FE Analysis
- Microstructure of Cast Strip in 0.1mass%C Steels Containing Phosphorus
- Effect of Strain on Ultrafine Ferrite Grains formed by Single-Pass Large Strain-High Z Deformation
- Strain Rate Dependence of Stress-Strain Curves in a Ti-Fe-O Alloy
- Prediction of Nominal Stress-Strain Curves of a Multi-Layered Composite Material by FE Analysis
- Change in Ultrasonic Parameters and Dislocation Structures during Fatigue Process of Aluminum Alloy under High Stress Amplitude
- Compromise between environmental burdens and performance in strengthening steels
- 超微細フェライト粒組織形成におけるオーステナイト粒径の重要度
- The Damping Behavior of Ni Added Mn-Cu Damping Alloys
- Luders Deformation in Submicron-grained Ferrite steels
- True Stress-True Strain Relations with Very Low Strain Rates at Room Temperature for an Austenitic 25Cr-19Ni Steel
- Ultrafine grain structure through dynamic recrystallization for SUS 304 stainless steel
- 超細粒鋼の被削性について
- Numerical analysis of deformation behavior for over-matched weld joints
- Influence of Interstitial Content on Low Temperature Fatigue Fracture (High - cycle Fatigue Behavior of Extra - low Carbon Steel - 1)
- Distribution of Internal Crack Initiation Sites in High-cycle Fatigue for Titanium Alloys
- Ultra-steel : Fabrication Makes New Material Structure(Synergy by Microstructuring)
- 超微細粒鋼の展望と課題-STX-21を例として-
- パンキーキγ粒厚さと生成する粒界α厚さの関係
- 大ひずみ加工下で均一・微細フェライト粒組織形成に必要なひずみ
- 超微細フェライト粒組織形成におけるオーステナイト粒径の重要度
- 超微細フェライト粒組織形成におけるオーステナイト粒径の重要度
- Prediction of Prior Austenite Grain Size of High-phosphorous Steels through Phase Transformation Simulation
- Ductile-Brittle Transition Temperature of Ultrafine Ferrite/Cementite Microstructure in a Low Carbon Steel Controlled by Effective Grain Size
- Public Research Institutes for High-Performance Steels in China
- NIMSにおけるリサイクル鉄を用いた材料開発プロジェクト
- 変形γから生成するフェライトの大きさを支配するパンケーキγの厚さ
- Concepts and attempts for ULTRA STEELs at NIMS
- Utilization of Impurities for Ultrafine Grain Steels