Effect of Nano-Scale Copper Sulfide Precipitation on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Steel with Tramp Copper Element
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2006-09-20
Yang J
Department Of Materials Physics And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univers
Yang J
Tsinghua Univ. Beijing Chn
Yang Jian
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Yang Jian
Department Of Materials Physics And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univers
Nagai Kotobu
National Inst. Materials Sci. Tsukuba Jpn
Nagai Kotobu
National Institute For Materials Science
Kuwabara Mamoru
Dept. of Materials, Physics and Energy Eng. Nagoya Univ.
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
LIU Zhongzhu
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
National Institute for Materials Science
Yang Jian
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Liu Zhongzhu
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Kobayashi Yuko
National Institute For Materials Science
Kobayashi Yoshinao
Department Of Metallurgy And Ceramics Science Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Insti
Nagai K
National Institute For Materials Science
Kuwabara Mamoru
Shougang Res. Inst. Of Technol.
Kuwabara Mamoru
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Nagai Kotobu
National Inst. For Materials Sci.
Liu Z
Department Of Materials Physics And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univers
Yang J
Department Of Materials Physics And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univers
Liu Zhongzhu
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univ.
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- Visualization of Acoustically Induced Cavitation Bubbles and Microjets with the Aid of a High-Speed Camera
- P2-65 Development and Evaluation of Electromagnetically Driven Wideband Ultrasonic Oscillator(Short presentation for poster)
- P2-64 Visualization of Acoustically Induced Cavitation Bubbles and Microjets with the Aid of High Speed Camera(Short presentation for poster)
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- Effect of Initial Grain Orientation on Evolution of Deformed Microstructure in Hot Compressed Ni-30Fe Alloy
- Unsupervised Polarimetric SAR Image Classification(Sensing)
- Using Similarity Parameters for Supervised Polarimetric SAR Image Classification (Regular section)
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- Effects of Manganese and/or Carbon on the Grain Refinement of Mg-3Al Alloy
- The Effect of Magnesium Gas Injecting Conditions on the Rate of Hot Metal Desulfurization
- Effect of Nano-Scale Copper Sulfide Precipitation on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Steel with Tramp Copper Element
- Kinetics of Isothermal Reduction of MgO with Al
- "In-situ" Observation of the δ/γ Phase Transformation on the Surface of Low Carbon Steel Containing Phosphorus at Various Cooling Rates
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- Improvement on Desulfurization Efficiency of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vapor Produced In-situ by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide
- Behavior of Magnesium in the Desulfurization Process of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vapor Produced In-situ by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide
- Effects of Operating Parameters on Desulfurization of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vaper Produced In-situ by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide
- Desulfurization of Molten Iron with Magnesium Vapor Produced In-situ by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesium Oxide
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- New Formula of the Polarization Entropy (Sensing)
- Distribution of the Received Voltage's Phases in the Cross-Polarized Channel Case
- The Periodicity of the Scattering Matrix and Its Application
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- Stable Decomposition of Mueller Matrix
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- Dynamic Restoration Process of Ni-30Fe alloy during Hot Deformation
- 温間多方向加工によって形成される微細フェライト粒組織
- Effect of Shear Deformation of Development of Fine-grained Ferrite Structures
- Microstructural Design through Multi-Direction Deformation
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- Structure of Continuously Cast Slab of High Phosphorus 0.1mass%C Steel
- Thermodynamics of Phosphorus in the MnO-SiO_2-Fe_tO System
- ニアネットシェイプCCにおける鋳造γ粒径の予測
- Subsurface Crack Generation in High-cycle Fatigue for High Strength Alloys
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- Strain-hardening due to Dispersed Cementite for Low Carbon Ultrafine-grained Steels
- 低炭素鋼の高Z大歪加工における超微細粒組織の形成
- 温間圧延によって製造した超微細フェライト+セメンタイト組織鋼板の特性
- セメンタイト粒子分散による低炭素超微細粒鋼のひずみ硬化設計
- オーステナイト粒径とひずみを変化させたときのフェライト粒組織 〜再加熱鋳造材の場合〜
- Strength - Ductility Balance of the Ultrafine - grained Ferrite and Cementite Structure
- Effect of Warm Deformation Temperature on Formation of Ultrafine - grained Ferrite Structure for a Low Carbon Si - Mn Steel
- Fine Ferrite Formation from Deformed Austenite with Different Grain Size
- Difference in the Role of Non-quench Aging on Mechanical Properties between Acicular Ferrite and Ferrite-Pearlite Pipeline Steels
- Prediction on Nominal Stress-Strain Curve of Isotropic Polycrystal Ti-15-3-3-3 Sheet by FE Analysis
- Continuously cast 0.1wt% C steels with high phosphorus : microstructural design and control
- Textures introduced by high-cross-angle cross rolling
- Relationship between Flow Stress and True Plastic Strain : Description by Work Hardening Rate as a function of True Stress
- Evolution of Columnar γ Grain in Low Carbon Steel and Its Refinement by Additional Elements in Thin Slab Casting Simulator
- Nucleation of Acicular Ferrite on Sulfide Inclusion during Rapid Solidification of Low Carbon Steel
- Interaction between Phosphorus Micro-Segregation and Sulfide Precipitation in Rapidly Solidified Steel-Utilization of Impurity Elements in Scrap Steel
- EBSD Characterization of the Twinning Microstructure in a High-Damping Mn-Cu Alloy
- The Twinning Microstructure and Damping Behavior in Mn-30Cu (at%) Alloy
- Effect of Phosphorus on Sulfide Precipitation in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel
- Crystallography and Precipitation Kinetics of Copper Sulfide in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel
- Precipitation of Copper Sulfides and their Effects on Mechanical Properties in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel
- The Thickness Gradient of Microstructure and Mechanical Property in an As-cast Thin Steel Slab
- EBSD結晶粒径分布測定結果の検証
- Effect of Nano-Scale Copper Sulfide Particles on the Yield Strength and Work Hardening Ability in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel
- Plastic Anisotropy of Strip-Cast Low-Carbon Steels
- Novel processing recyclable and high performance steel bar
- Effects of Cu on Diffusional Transformation Behavior and Microstructure in Fe-Mn-Si-C Steels
- Solvotermal Preparation of Silver Chalcogenides Ag_2E (E=S,Se,Te)
- A New Solvothermal-Reduction Pathway to Nanocrystalline MTe(M=Zn, Pb)
- Simultaneous Desulfurization and Deoxidation of Molten Steel with in Situ Produced Magnesium Vapor
- Prediction on Nominal Stress-Strain Curve of Anisotropic Polycrystal with Texture by FE Analysis
- Effect of Iron and/or Carbon on the Grain Refinement of Mg-3Al Alloy
- Effect of Lime Particle Size on Melting Behavior of Lime-containing Flux
- Effects of High Magnetic Field and Tensile Stress on Martensitic Transformation Behavior and Microstructure at 4.2K in Fe-Ni-C Alloys
- Microstructure of Cast Strip in 0.1mass%C Steels Containing Phosphorus
- Mechanism of Carbothermic Reduction of Hematite in Hematite-Carbon Composite Pellets
- Strain Rate Dependence of Stress-Strain Curves in a Ti-Fe-O Alloy
- Mechanism of Carbothermic Reduction of Chromium Oxide
- Fatigue Properties of Titanium Alloys in Liquid Helium
- Prediction of Nominal Stress-Strain Curves of a Multi-Layered Composite Material by FE Analysis
- Compromise between environmental burdens and performance in strengthening steels
- 超微細フェライト粒組織形成におけるオーステナイト粒径の重要度
- The Damping Behavior of Ni Added Mn-Cu Damping Alloys
- Ultrafine grain structure through dynamic recrystallization for SUS 304 stainless steel
- 超細粒鋼の被削性について
- Numerical analysis of deformation behavior for over-matched weld joints
- Influence of Interstitial Content on Low Temperature Fatigue Fracture (High - cycle Fatigue Behavior of Extra - low Carbon Steel - 1)