Usefulness of immunohistochemistry for differential diagnosis between benign and malignant breast lesions
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-07-01
高井 良尋
東北大学 大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻放射線検査学分野
Department of Anatomic Pathology, Tohoku University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology, Kobe University Hospital
Takai Yoshihiro
Department Of Radiological Technology School Of Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine
Masuda T
Division Of Gastroenterological Surgery Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Watanabe Mika
Department Of Anatomic Pathology Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Kanomata Naoki
Department Of Pathology Kawasaki Medical School
Murakami T
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Department of Pathology, Tohoku University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology, Kawasaki Medical School
Department of Pathology, Tohoku University Hospital
HATA Sakae
Department of Pathology, Kawasaki Medical School
Moriya T
Department Of Pathology Kawasaki Medical School
Moriya Takuya
The Tumor Marker Study Group Of The Japanese Breast Cancer Society
Moriya Takuya
Department Of Pathology And Tohoku University Hospital
ISHIDA Kazuyuki
Department of Pathology, Tohoku University Hospital
Matsuoka Takeshi
College Of Medical Sciences Tohoku University
Murakami Takashi
東北大学 医学部産婦人科学周産期医学
Ishida Kazuyuki
Department Of Pathology Tohoku University Hospital
MIURA Hiroshi
Department of Pathology, Matsue Red Cross Hospital
Takahashi Yayoi
Department Of Pathology Tohoku University Hospital
Hata Sakae
Department Of Pathology Kawasaki Medical School Hospital
Hata Sakae
Department Of Pathology Kawasaki Medical School
Kozuka Yuji
Department Of Pathology Kawasaki Medical School
Murakami Takashi
Department Of Cellular Signaling Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University
Kozuka Yuji
Department Of Anesthesiology Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Matsuoka Takeshi
Department Of Internal Medicine 5 Tokyo Medical University Kasumigaura Hospital
Department of Pathology, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital
Department of Pathology, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital
Fukumoto Motoi
Department Of Pathology Kawasaki Medical School Hospital
Miura Hiroshi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Saitama University
Miura Hiroshi
Department Of Pathology Tohoku University Hospital
Iwachido Nobuhisa
Department Of Pathology Kawasaki Medical School Hospital
Moriya Takuya
Department Of Dermatology Department Of Pathology
Kanomata Naoki
Department Of Pathology 2 Kawasaki Medical School
Ishida Kazuyuki
Department Of Pathology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kanomata Naoki
Pathology 2 Kawasaki Medical School
Kanomata Naoki
Department Of Pathology Kawasaki Medical School Hospital
Ishida Kazuyuki
Department Of Pathology Graduate School Of Medicine Tohoku University
Department of Pathology, Tohoku University Hospital
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