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I precisely measure the depth profiles of 50-200 keV P+ implanted into Si and SiO2 by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and then best-fit the simulated profiles to the observed ones by taking adequate parameters of their stopping powers. Next, the phosphorus depth distributions in SiO2/Si plate and SiO2 powders for high-dose implantation are determined by Rutherford Backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) and SIMS, respectively. The phosphorus profiles derived from RBS and SIMS analysis are compared with those calculated by the extended SRIM to consider sputter-erosion, a swelling effect and composition change during the implantation. The simulated profiles are good agreement with observed profiles for high-dose phosphorus implantation with energy of 50-200 keV. Present simulation revealed the implantation energy dependence of threshold dose without phosphorus existence at the surface.
- 2009-03-20
- モンテカルロ・シミュレーションによるSiO_2への高濃度P^+イオン注入の構造解析
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