Pleomorphic adenoma of the breast
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-08-25
Department of Radiological Technology, Kanozawa University School of Health Science
高山 輝彦
Takayama Teruhiko
金沢大学 医学系研究科保健学
Takayama T
Department Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa University
Takayama Teruhiko
金沢大学 医学系研究科保健学専攻
Takayama Teruhiko
Department Of Clinical Radiological Technology School Of Health Sciences Kanazawa University
小野口 昌久
Department of Health Science, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University
高山 輝彦
Department Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa University
Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University
Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University
ICHIKAWA Katsuhiro
Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University
Futaba Breast Clinic
MIYATI Toshiaki
Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University
Miyati Tosiaki
Department Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa University
Takemura Akihiro
Department Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa University
Takemura Akihiro
Department Of Biology Chemistry And Marine Sciences University Of The Ryukyus
Tanaka Tatsuya
Department Of Neurosurgery Asahikawa Medical Collage
Onoguchi Masahisa
金沢大学 医学系研究科保健学
Mizukami Yuji
Department Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa University
Onoguchi M
Department Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa University
Ichikawa Katsuhiro
Department Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa University
Onoguchi Masahisa
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Univ.
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- 128 3D収集Static撮影における体軸方向への影響(核医学検査PET2, 第35回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会プログラム)
- 507 高感度検出器搭載型PETシステムにおける,高集積部からの散乱線フラクションによる画質の検討(核医学検査 PET収集,一般研究発表,日本放射線技術学会 第34回秋季学術大会)
- Epileptic Focus Stimulation and Seizure Control in the Rat Model of Kainic Acid-Induced Limbic Seizures
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- 27 Interface of NEUROSTAT and Neuroimaging Registration Toolを応用した頚部領域の画像評価(核医学検査 レジストレーション・他,一般研究発表,日本放射線技術学会 第34回秋季学術大会)
- 193 核医学検査におけるオーダリングシステム導入時の基礎設定の検討(核医学検査 被曝・その他)(一般研究発表)(第32回秋季学術大会)
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- 188 前立腺癌のセンチネルリンパ節シンチグラフィにおけるフュージョンの有用性 : 自作ファントムによる基礎的検討(核医学検査 センチネル リンパ節)(一般研究発表)(第32回秋季学術大会)
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- 224 肝臓からの散乱線がSPECT画像の心筋カウントに寄与する割合
- 223 胃からの散乱線が心筋SPECT画像の心筋カウントに寄与する割合
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- Pleomorphic adenoma of the breast
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- センチネルリンパ節の検出法(核医学技術討論会,第61回核医学分科会核医学技術討論会発表前抄録)
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- 484. テクネ製剤を用いた心筋Gated SPECTのPolar mapによる検討(第2報) : 正常例の定量評価
- Experimental Petit Mal-Like Seizure Induced by Microinjection of Kainic Acid Into the Unilateral Mediodorsal Nucleus of the Thalamus
- IV G6 Antieptic effect of unilateral suppression of the subthalamic nucleus for focal neocortical seizures
- III G3 Changes in glucose metabolism during high-frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus(STN)in kainic acid-induced seizures.
- III G1 The effect of continuous electrical focus stimulation in a model of kainic acid induced epilepsy
- Review Article
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- 200 脳血流SPECT負荷試験によるインターフェース3次元定位脳表面投射法RVR-Subimageの検討 : SPECT原画像との比較(核医学検査 データ解析)(一般研究発表)(第32回秋季学術大会)
- A case of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast
- Investigation on effect of image lag in fluoroscopic images obtained with a dynamic flat-panel detector (FPD) on accuracy of target tracking in radiotherapy
- Successful chemo-endocrine therapy for multiple bone metastases and myelophthisis caused by occult breast carcinoma
- Immunohistochemical and electron microscopic studies of a case of duodenal gangliocytic paraganglioma
- 369 Pixel truncationを用いたgated-SPECTによる左室機能解析精度向上の検討(核医学検査 心電図同期,一般研究発表,日本放射線技術学会 第34回秋季学術大会)
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- Predicting sentinel lymph node metastasis in breast cancer with lymphoscintigraphy
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- Long-afterglow phosphorescent pigment is a potent tool for manipulation of reproductive performance in the tropical damselfish Chrysiptera cyanea
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- Biology and Surgical Management of Breast Cancer
- アジア圏で開催される国際学会での研究発表のススメ
- 多施設による ^Tc-MAG_3 腎機能定量解析精度の検討
- Novel method for quantitative evaluation of cardiac amyloidosis using ^TlCl and ^Tc-PYP SPECT