Simultaneous Production of Novel Monoclonal Antibodies by Antigen-Based Double-Targeting Technique
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2007-03-01
吉村 徹
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Yoshimura Tohru
(present Adress)institute For Chemical Research. Kyoto University
Tsong Tian
Institute Of Physics Academy Of Sciences
Tomita Masahiro
Division Of Chemistry For Materials Graduate School Of Engineering Mie University
SANO Yoshitada
Division of Chemistry for Materials, Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University
Division of Chemistry for Materials, Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University
Yoshimura Tetsuro
Division Of Chemistry For Materials Graduate School Of Engineering Mie University
Sano Yoshitada
Division Of Chemistry For Materials Graduate School Of Engineering Mie University
Taniguchi Takanobu
Institute Of Physics Academy Of Sciences
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