Through-Thickness Characterization of Microstructure and Texture in High Purity Aluminum Processed to High Strain by Accumulative Roll-Bonding
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2007-08-01
辻 伸泰
TSUJI Nobuhiro
Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Osaka University
Hansen Niels
Center For Fundamental Research : Metal Structures In Four Dimensions Materials Research Department
Huang Xiaoxu
Center For Fundamental Research : Metal Structures In Four Dimensions Materials Research Department
Huang X
Riso National Lab. Roskilde Dnk
Tsuji Nobuhiro
Department Of Adaptive Machine Systems Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Kamikawa Naoya
Center For Fundamental Research : Metal Structures In Four Dimensions Materials Research Department
Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Hansen N
Center For Fundamental Research : Metal Structures In Four Dimensions Materials Research Department
Huang X
Center For Fundamental Research : Metal Structures In Four Dimensions Materials Research Department
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- Through-Thickness Characterization of Microstructure and Texture in High Purity Aluminum Processed to High Strain by Accumulative Roll-Bonding
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- 加工組織の局所方位解析における現状と課題
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- Change in Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of ARB Processed Ti during Annealing
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- Cu-Ni-P系合金の析出強化特性に及ばすARB法および冷間圧延法の影響
- Ti-39at%Al単結晶中の逆位相領域/γプレート混合組織形成に及ぼす熱処理前圧延加工の効果
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- Ti_3Alの逆位相領域(APD)成長に及ぼすSi添加の影響
- B2型規則構造のNiAl中のTiの拡散
- Micrastructure and Texture of Commercial Purity Aluminum Strips Produced by Melt Direct Rolling
- Changes in Mechanical Characteristics of Pre-Annealed Wires of Cu-Sn Alloy Manufactured by Continuous Draw Bending
- Comparative Analysis of Plastic Flow and Grain Refinement in Pure Aluminium Subjected to Simple Shear-Based Severe Plastic Deformation Processing
- Effect of Deformation Temperature on Microstructure Evolution in ARB Processed Ultralow Carbon IF Steel
- Microstructural Evolution during ARB Process of Al-0.2 mass% Sc Alloy Containing Al_3Sc Precipitates in Starting Structures
- 普通炭素鋼の組織と基礎特性
- Microstructure and Crystallographic Features of Martensite Transformed from Ultrafine-Grained Austenite in Fe-24Ni-0.3C Alloy
- Texture Evolution in Al-0.2 mass%Sc Alloy during ARB Process and Subsequent Annealing
- Microstructural and Crystallographic Features of Hydrogen-related Crack Propagation in Low Carbon Martensitic Steel