Nanometer-scale Patterned Surfaces for Control of Cell Adhesion
金野 智浩
金野 智浩
Goto Makiko
Department Of Applied Chemistry School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering The University of Tokyo
金野 智浩
Kitamori Takehiko
Department F Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
SATO Kiichi
Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
KONNO Tomohiro
Center for NanoBio Integration, The University of Tokyo
Center for NanoBio Integration, The University of Tokyo
Sato Kae
Department Of Applied Chemistry School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Konno Tomohiro
Center For Nanobio Integration The University Of Tokyo
Sato Kiichi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry School Of Agricultural And Life Science The University Of
Center for NanoBio Integration, The University of Tokyo
Kitamori Takehiko
Center For Nanobio Integration The University Of Tokyo
Sato Kiichi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University O
Ishihara Kazuhiko
Center For Nanobio Integration The University Of Tokyo
Tsukahara Takehiko
Department Of Applied Chemistry School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Tsukahara Takehiko
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
北森 武彦
Konno Tomohiro
Dept. Bioeng. Univ. Tokyo
- The 234^ ACS National Meeting : 2007年8月19日-23日, Boston (大会長 Hunt CT)
- WS-1-1 腹膜播種に対するナノ粒子化抗癌剤を用いた腹腔内化学療法の有用性(固形癌の治療抵抗性克服に向けた新しい試み,ワークショップ,第109回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- バイオミメティック界面
- HP-149-5 ベルテポルフィン封入抗EGFR抗体結合MPCポリマーによる特異的光線力学療法(PDT)の開発(基礎研究1,ハイブリッドポスター,第109回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- SF-110-1 Paclitaxel封入抗EGFR抗体結合ナノ粒子による殺細胞効果と抗腫瘍効果の検討(第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- ナノバイオ・インテグレーションマテリアル (特集 新しいナノバイオテクノロジーの進展(1))
- 92)小口径人工血管の実用化への基礎研究(第200回日本循環器学会関東甲信越地方会)
- 上皮増殖因子受容体過剰発現癌に対するEGF結合MPCポリマーによるターゲッティング療法の開発
- Paclitaxel封入抗EGFR抗体結合ナノ粒子によるdrug delivery systemの開発
- WS-6-3 胃癌腹膜播種に対する新しい治療戦略 : ナノ粒子化抗癌剤による腹腔内化学療法(消化器癌腹膜転移の治療:基礎と臨床,ワークショップ(6),第110回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 生体適合性ポリマーのナノ表面処理による長寿命型人工股関節の開発
- Notch ligand コンジュゲート高分子マトリックス
- 高い組織再生効率を実現する細胞親和型ソフトマテリアルデバイス
- 細胞操作を可能にするバイオ界面(バイオミディア)
- Effect of Organic Phase on Dynamic and Collective Behavior of Surfactants at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces by a Time-Resolved Quasi-Elastic Laser-Scattering Method
- Analysis of Serum Proteins Adsorbed to a Hemodialysis Membrane of Hollowfiber Type by Thermal Lens Microscopy
- Direct Measurements of Femtosecond Energy Dissipation Processes of Hot Electrons in a Gold Film
- 生体適合性の難溶性薬物可溶化マテリアル (特集 最先端バイオ医療における生体適合性マテリアル) -- (遺伝子/抗がん剤デリバリー治療)
- Liquid Filling Method for Nanofluidic Channels Utilizing the High Solubility of CO_2
- Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of an AC Electroosmotic Micromixer
- ES細胞培養技術 (特集 バイオテクノロジーイノベーション(2)単細胞解析をめざしたバイオと異分野の融合がもたらすブレークスルー技術の新潮流)
- 有機材料
- 細胞親和性ポリマーによる可逆形成ソフトバイオマテリアル(セルコンテナー)
- 2006米国バイオマテリアル学会 : 2006年4月26-29日, Pittsburgh(大会長 Weiyuan JK)
- 機能性高分子材料
- ポリマーバイオマテリアルへの挑戦 : リン脂質ポリマーに魅せられて
- 人工細胞膜を構築するPCサーフェイステクノロジー
- 人口細胞膜表面を構築するPCサーフェイステクノロジーの新しい応用
- 人工細胞膜表面構築による超機能人工関節の開発 (特集 役に立つ生体材料界面技術)
- 生体膜類似表面を有するポリマー微粒子の創製と機能
- Grazing-Exit and Micro X-ray Fluorescence Analyses for Chemical Microchips
- Microchannel-assisted thermal-lens spectrometry for microchip analysis
- Highly Sensitive and Direct Detection of DNA Fragments Using a Laser-Induced Capillary Vibration Effect
- Fast Slab Gel Electrophoretic Separation of DNA Fragments with a Short Migration Distance Using Thermal Lens Microscope
- Molecular Transport between Two Phases in a Microchannel
- Integration of Flow Injection Analysis and Zeptomole-Level Detection of the Fe(II)-ο-Phenanthroline Complex
- Sub-Zeptomole Detection in a Microfabricated Glass Channel by Thermal-Lens Microscopy
- Application of a Micro Multiphase Laminar Flow on a Microchip for Extraction and Determination of Derivatized Carbamate Pesticides
- Integrated FIA for the Determination of Ascorbic Acid and Dehydroascorbic Acid in a Microfabricated Glass-Channel by Thermal-Lens Microscopy
- Infrared Absorption Characteristics of Large-Sized Spherical Aryl-Ether Dendrimers
- Acceleration of an Enzymatic Reaction in a Microchip
- Flow Velocity Profile of Micro Counter-Current Flows
- Development of a pump using cardiomyocytes
- Culture and Leukocyte Adhesion Assay of Human Arterial Endothelial Cells in a Glass Microchip
- Microfluidic Distillation Utilizing Micro-Nano Combined Structure
- Integration of Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems into a Glass Microchip
- Integrated Multilayer Flow System on a Microchip
- Quantitation of Drug Concentration by Photo-Thermal Microscopy in a Renal Tubule of Fixed Kidney
- Fuzzy Linear Regression Method in Ultratrace Analysis and Analytical Interpretation
- Surface Curvature Effect on Optical Beam Deflection Signal from a Single Microparticulate Sample : Photoacoustic Effect and Spectroscopy
- Development of a Micro-Potentiometric Sensor for the Microchip Analysis of Alkali Ions
- Nanometer-scale Patterned Surfaces for Control of Cell Adhesion
- Separation of 2-Aminobenzoic Acid-Derivatized Glycosaminoglycans and Asparagine-linked Glycans by Capillary Electrophoresis
- Anaerobic Purification and Characterization of Nitrous Oxide Reductase from Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp.denitrificans IL106
- Characterization of a Multi-Copper Enzyme,Nitrous Oxide Reductase,from Rhodobacter sphaeroides f.sp.denitrificans
- Cell Culture and Motility Study on a Polymer Surface with a Nanometer-Scaled Stripe Structure
- Culture of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells on Photoimmobilized Polymers(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Intraperitoneal administration of paclitaxel solubilized with poly(2-methacryloxyethyl phosphorylcholine-co n-butyl methacrylate) for peritoneal dissemination of gastric cancer
- On-Line High-throughput ESIMS Detection of a Reaction Product Using Synthesis and Extraction Microchips
- Mechanism of Formazan Formation in Hair Cells of Corti's Organ by Means of Intracochlear Vital Incubation of Stianing Solution Containing Nitroblue Tetrazolium for Demonstration of Dehydrogenases in the TCA Cycle and Electron Transfer System.
- Demonstration of Succinic Dehydrogenase Activity of Hair Cells of the Organ of Corti by Perfusion of the Cochlea with Nitro Blue Tetrazolium.
- A Microfluidic System to Evaluate Intestinal Absorption
- Development of an NMR Interface Microchip "MICCS" for Direct Detection of Reaction Products and Intermediates of Micro-syntheses Using a "MICCS-NMR"
- Reevaluation of the Intravital Perfusion Method of the Cochlea for Demonstration of Enzyme Activity of the Hair Cells of the Organ of Corti in Living Guinea Pigs
- Histochemical Study on Enzymatic Activity of the Hair cells of the Vestibular Organs in Guinea Pigs, especially Histochemical Reaction in Fresh Non-frozen Cristae Ampullares and Maculae
- Histochemical Study on Alteration of in vivo Reduction Potency of Ubiquinone in Acute Starvation and Vitamin B_1 Deficiency in Guinea Pigs
- Histochemical Demonstration of Alteration in the Activity of Dehydrogenases of the Hair Cells of the Organ of Corti in Guinea Pigs Received Aminoglycoside Antibiotics
- Construction of a Dimethyl Sulfoxide Sensor Based on Dimethyl Sulfoxide Reductase Immobilized on a Au Film Electrode
- Microbioassay System for an Anti-cancer Agent Test Using Animal Cells on a Microfluidic Gradient Mixer
- Cell Culture and Motility Study on a Polymer Surface with a Nanometer-Scaled Stripe Structure
- ES細胞の機能制御のための細胞親和型ポリマーハイドロゲル (AYUMI 医工学からみたヒト多能性幹細胞(iPS細胞,ES細胞)マテリアル戦略) -- (ヒトES細胞,iPS細胞の分化制御)
- 2P1-L11 細胞ビルドアップ型ウェットナノロボティクスの構築と機能創発 : 光ピンセットによるDLCナノグリッパーへの単一細胞アセンブリ
- 2A1-J05 細胞ナノシステムによるバイオハイブリッドナノマシン構築 : ナノマシンの自己組織的組み立てに向けた細胞移動の制御
- 2P2-J19 細胞の移動運動によって構築するナノデバイス(ナノ・マイクロバイオシステム)
- 2A1-F10 細胞の移動性を利用したマイクロセルフアセンブリに関する研究(MEMSとナノテクノロジー)
- Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Studies of Dimethyl Sulfoxide Reductase from Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans
- 生体適合性高分子によるソフトバイオマテリアル創製 (特集 生体適合性高分子の基盤技術と次世代バイオデバイス)
- Detection and Imaging of Subsurface Microcracks in Silicon Wafers Using Photoacoustic Microscope : Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and Ultrasonic Imaging
- 医工連携 : マテリアル工学と人工股関節での経験
- Individual Nanoparticle Detection in Liquids by Thermal Lens Microscopy and Improvement of Detection Efficiency Using a 1-μm Microfluidic Channel
- Sub-Attomole Molecule Detection in a Single Biological Cell in-vitro by Thermal Lens Microscopy
- Spatial distribution of intraperitoneally administrated paclitaxel nanoparticles solubilized with poly (2-methacryloxyethyl phosphorylcholine-co n-butyl methacrylate) in peritoneal metastatic nodules
- 2P1-A15 細胞とマイクロパーツによる自己組織化構造の創発 : 方向性を有するマイクロパターンにより生成される細胞運動機能
- Damping of Flexural Vibration of Viscoelastic Sandwich Beam Subjected to Axial Force
- 3J1434 ペプチドタグによる蛋白質分子のフェニルボロン酸基への固定化法(バイオエンジニアリング2,第49回年会講演予稿集)
- 1J1548 ナノポーラスメンブレンを用いた単一細胞遺伝子発現解析のための基礎技術(計測,第49回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Basic Structure and Cell Culture Condition of a Bioartificial Renal Tubule on Chip towards a Cell-based Separation Microdevice
- Development of a Microfluidic Platform for Single-cell Secretion Analysis Using a Direct Photoactive Cell-attaching Method
- Establishment of a Confluent Cardiomyocyte Culture in a Cylindrical Microchannel
- Chemiluminescence on a Microchip
- Shape of the Liquid-Liquid Interface in Micro Counter-Current Flows
- Microchip-based Plasma Separation from Whole Blood via Axial Migration of Blood Cells
- Micro Total Bioassay System for Oral Drugs : Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Degradation, Intestinal Absorption, Hepatic Metabolism, and Bioactivity
- 細胞親和性バイオ界面を基盤とする細胞接着表面および自発形成ヒドロゲルの創製と細胞工学への応用 (高分子科学・工学のニューウェーブ : 2012(2))
- Photochemical Immobilization of Cells onto a Glass Substrate for in situ DNA Analysis
- 幹細胞の体外増幅のためのバイオマテリアル (特集 バイオマテリアルとティッシュエンジニアリング)
- 細胞親和性バイオ界面を基盤とする細胞接着表面および自発形成ヒドロゲルの創製と細胞工学への応用
- 2Ha02 生体親和型・酸化還元活性ポリマーによる微生物細胞-電極間の電子輸送(バイオマス,資源,エネルギー工学,一般講演)
- Drug Response Assay System in a Microchip Using Human Hepatoma Cells