Microchannel-assisted thermal-lens spectrometry for microchip analysis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-02-14
火原 彰秀
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering The University of Tokyo
HIBARA Akihide
Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
TAMAKI Eiichiro
Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
火原 彰秀
Hibara Akihide
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Kitamori Takehiko
Department F Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Tamaki Eiichiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Tokeshi Manabu
Department Of Molecular Science & Technology Kyushu University
Tokeshi Manabu
Integrated Chemistry Project Kanagawa Academy Of Science And Technology
HIBARA Akihide
火原 彰秀
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
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- インターネット時代の「分析化学」
- 面白さについて
- 《特集》「次世代の計測・分析-若手研究者の挑戦-」企画にあたって
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- 液滴操作を集積化したマイクロシステム
- Grazing-Exit and Micro X-ray Fluorescence Analyses for Chemical Microchips
- Microchannel-assisted thermal-lens spectrometry for microchip analysis
- Highly Sensitive and Direct Detection of DNA Fragments Using a Laser-Induced Capillary Vibration Effect
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- Sub-Zeptomole Detection in a Microfabricated Glass Channel by Thermal-Lens Microscopy
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- Femtosecond Transient Reflecting Grating Methods and Analysis of the Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics on Si(111) Surfaces
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- 熱レンズ顕微鏡による非蛍光性単一分子計測
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- 化学分析への応用
- 複合科学プロセスのマイクロチップ集積化
- 熱レンズ顕微鏡 (特集 新しい顕微鏡)
- サロン マイクロチップに集積したミクロ実験室
- 一分子をはかる
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- Comparison of Performance Parameters of Photothermal Procedures in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems
- Individual Nanoparticle Detection in Liquids by Thermal Lens Microscopy and Improvement of Detection Efficiency Using a 1-μm Microfluidic Channel
- Sub-Attomole Molecule Detection in a Single Biological Cell in-vitro by Thermal Lens Microscopy
- 産学交流雑感
- マイクロ化学と計測法(ヘッドライン:マイクロ化学がもたらす世界)
- Basic Structure and Cell Culture Condition of a Bioartificial Renal Tubule on Chip towards a Cell-based Separation Microdevice
- Development of a Microfluidic Platform for Single-cell Secretion Analysis Using a Direct Photoactive Cell-attaching Method
- Establishment of a Confluent Cardiomyocyte Culture in a Cylindrical Microchannel
- Chemiluminescence on a Microchip
- Shape of the Liquid-Liquid Interface in Micro Counter-Current Flows
- Microchip-based Plasma Separation from Whole Blood via Axial Migration of Blood Cells
- マイクロ流路内界面張力波共鳴現象と表面張力測定 (「微小流体光学(Optofluidics) : マイクロフォトニクスと流体の融合」解説小特集号)
- 20396 宇宙空間での利用を目指したイオン液体による真空中でのfoam filmの形成に関する基礎的研究(宇宙・平面・展開構造,構造I,2012年度大会(東海)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会プログラム)
- Drug Response Assay System in a Microchip Using Human Hepatoma Cells
- マイクロ流路内界面張力波共鳴現象と表面張力測定