The change of proliferating cell nuclear antigen and apoptosis of the MM46 mammary cancer cells of the mouse after single high-dose irradiation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-09-01
ARAKI Keijiro
Department of Surgery, Kochi Medical School
Department of Surgery, Kochi Medical School
Department of Human Health and Medical Sciences, Kochi Medical School
Department of Surgery, Kochi Medical School
Namikawa Tsutomu
Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Namikawa Tsutomu
高知大学 医学部腫瘍局所制御学
Okabayashi Takehiro
Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Okabayashi Takehiro
高知大学 医学部外科学
Kobayashi Michiya
Department Of Human Health And Medical Sciences Kochi Medical School
Kobayashi Michiya
高知大学 医学部外科学
Department of Surgery, Kochi Medical School
Araki Keijirou
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School
Araki Keijiro
Department Of Surgery I Kochi Medical School
Araki Keijiro
Department Of Computer Science And Communication Engineering Graduate School Of Information Science
Matsuura Kimio
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Araki Keijiro
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School
Nakano Takumi
高知大学 医学部外科学
Kobayashi Michiya
First Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Kobayashi Michiya
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Kumon Masamitsu
First Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Matsuura Kimio
First Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Okamoto Ken
Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Okamoto Ken
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Nippon Medical School
Kobayashi Michiya
Department Of Human Health And Medical Science Kochi Medical School
Araki Keijiro
Department of Tumor Surgery, Kochi Medical School
Okabayashi Takehiro
Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Kochi Health Sciences Center, Japan
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