Comparison of Mucosal Microvasculature between the Proximal and Distal Human Colon
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published for the Japanese Society of Electron Microscopy by Oxford University Pressの論文
- 1996-06-01
ARAKI Keijiro
Department of Surgery, Kochi Medical School
OGATA Takuro
Department of Surgery, Kochi Medical School
Department of Human Health and Medical Sciences, Kochi Medical School
Kobayashi Michiya
Department Of Human Health And Medical Sciences Kochi Medical School
Kobayashi Michiya
高知大学 医学部外科学
Department of Tumor Surgery, Kochi Medical School
Isozaki Hiroshi
Department Of Surgery Osaka Medical College
Ogata T
First Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Ogata Takuro
Department Of Neurological Surgery School Of Medicine Okayama University
Ogata Takuro
The First Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Araki Keijirou
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School
Araki Keijiro
Department Of Surgery I Kochi Medical School
Araki Keijiro
Department Of Computer Science And Communication Engineering Graduate School Of Information Science
Department of Tumor Surgery, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University
Furuya Y
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School
Matsuura Kimio
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Isozaki Hiroshi
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry A
Isozaki H
Department Of Surgery Osaka Medical School
Ogata Takuro
First Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Araki Keijiro
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School
Furuya Yasuo
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School
Kobayashi Michiya
First Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Kobayashi Michiya
Department Of Tumor Surgery Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Kumon Masamitsu
First Department Of Surgery Kochi Medical School
Matsuura Kimio
Department Of Surgery Noichi Central Hospital
Kobayashi Michiya
Department Of Human Health And Medical Science Kochi Medical School
Araki Keijiro
Department of Tumor Surgery, Kochi Medical School
Department of Central Clinical Laboratory
Department of Center of Clinical Laboratory, Kurume University School of Medicine
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