- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-11-10
- Effect of Granule Strength on Compressed Tablet Strength
- Effect of Binder Characteristics on the Strength of Agglomerates Prepared by the Wet Method II
- Effect of Binder Characteristics on the Strength of Agglomerates Prepared by the Wet Method
- 対談 先達の言葉(第17回)名城大学名誉教授 大塚昭信
- 粉粒体の圧縮性と応力緩和におよぼす圧縮速度の影響
- Fundamental Study on the Evaluatoin of Strength of Granular Particles
- Influence of Moisture Adsorption of Volume Shrinkage and Diametral Tensile Strength of Sucrose Tablets
- 錠剤表面に付着した医薬粉体の付着力と除去
- Release of Isosorbide Dinitrate from Polymer Film Dosage Forms and Absorption of This Drug through the Oral Mucosa of Rats
- 50周年に寄せて
- 物を造る仕事
- 粉体粒子の付着凝集性 : 粒子/下地間付着力の測定を中心に
- Interactions between Water and Pharmaceutical Polymers Determined by Water-Vapor Sorption Measurement and Differential Scanning Calorimetry
- Release of Lidocaine from Polymer Film Dosage Forms
- Measurement of Adhesive Force between Particles of Organic Substances and Polymer Substrates by the Centrifugal Separation Method : Effect of Electrostatic Charge
- Solid-State Interaction of Ibuprofen with Polyvinylpyrrolidone
- Influence of the Molecular Weight of Binding Agents on the Physical Properties of Granules and Tablets
- Dissolution of Solid Dosage Form. IV. Equation for the Non-sink Dissolution of a Monodisperse System
- Measurement of the Adhesive Force between Particles and a Substrate by Means of the Impact Separation Method. Effect of the Surface Roughness and Type of Material of the Substrate
- Effect of Temperature on the Sticking of Low Melting Point Materials
- 薬学生のクラブ活動
- Effect of Water Content on Sticking during Compression
- A Comparative Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Various Celluloses
- Preparation and Evaluation of a Compressed Tablet Rapidly Disintegrating in the Oral Cavity