Space Charge Characteristic of Nano-composite Film of MgO/LDPE under DC Electric Field
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This paper deals with the effect of magnesium oxide (MgO) nano-filler to stabilize internal electric field under DC voltage application. A low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film containing the MgO nano-filler (nano-composite film) was subjected to space charge measurement by applying DC voltages. The pulsed electroacoustic method was employed for the measurement. In addition, conduction current under the corresponding conditions was measured and correlated with the space charge evolution.When the average DC field was as low as 80 kV/mm, very little space charge was observed with the “non-filled" film, whereas a positive space charge was observed with “filled" film. The density of the positive space charge in the vicinity of the anode was higher compared to that in the bulk. The more distant the position from the anode, the lower the charge density. The conduction current under the same condition was found to be lower with higher content of the MgO nano-filler. The conduction current determined by the space charge in the vicinity of the anode was calculated for the specimen with each content of MgO nano-filler, and good agreement between the estimated current and the measured one was found. It is concluded that the MgO nano-filler seems to trap the positive space charge in the vicinity of the anode and suppresses conduction current by reducing the local field at the anode.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
- 2006-11-01
NAGAO Masayuki
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
穂積 直裕
長尾 雅行
Murakami Yoshinobu
Department of Tissue Engineering and Cell Therapy, Foundation of Biomedical Research and Innovation
Nemoto Masanori
Department Of Cardiology International Goodwill Hospital
Nemoto Masanori
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Nagao Masayuki
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
HOZUMI Naohiro
Department of Electrical Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology
Department of Electronic and Information Eng., Toyohashi University of Technology
MURATA Yoshinao
Research & Development Center, J-Power Systems
穂積 直裕
Hozumi Naohiro
Aichi Institute Of Technology
Hozumi Naohiro
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Kurnianto Rudi
Toyohashi University Of Technology
Hozumi Naohiro
Aichi Inst. Of Technol.
Murakami Yoshinobu
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
MURAKAMI Yoshinobu
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
Hozumi Naohiro
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, Tempaku, Toyohashi 441-8580, Japan
NAGAO Masayuki
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
MURAKAMI Yoshinobu
Department of Biology, Osaka Kyoiku University
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