Prevalence of nocturia among Japanese adults
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-06-01
NITTA Hiroshi
Shakaihoken Funabashichuo Hospital
National Institute for Environmental Studies
KABUTO Michinori
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Takemoto Tai-ichiro
Department of Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Health Management, Nagasaki International University
Takemoto Tai-ichiro
Department Of Public Health Faculty Of Medicine University Of Nagasaki
Kabuto Michinori
SUZUKI Shosuke
Department of Public Health, Gunma University School of Medicine
Department of Life Long Health Promotion, University of Ryukyus
Nitta Hiroshi
National Inst. For Environmental Studies
Nitta H
Shakaihoken Funabashichuo Hospital
Taira Kazuhiko
Department Of Health Education Faculty Of Education University Of The Ryukyus
Suzuki Shosuke
Department Of Public Health Faculty Of Medicine University Of Gunma
Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Regional Environment Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Regional Environment Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Regional Environment Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Kageyama Takayuki
Environmental Health Sciences Division National Institute For Environmental Studies
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