Epidemiological study on sleep habits and insomnia of new outpatients visiting general hospitals in Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-08-01
石郷 岡純
石郷岡 純
北里大 医 精神科
石郷岡 純
石郷 岡純
OKAWA Masako
Department of Phychophysiology, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology an
Okawa Masako
Department Of Phychophysiology National Institute Of Mental Health National Center Of Neurology And
Okawa Masako
Department Of Psychophysiology National Institute Of Mental Health
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Kitasato University
MURASAKI Mitsukuni
Department of Psychiatry, Kitasato University School of Medicine Sagamihara
Suzuki Makihiko
Kitasato University School Of Allied Health Sciences
ISAWA Shinano
Department of Psychiatry, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Isawa Shinano
Department Of Psychiatry Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Ishigooka Jun
Department Of Psychiatry Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Murasaki Mitsukuni
Department Of Psychiatry Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Muraoka Hideo
Department Of Psychiatry Kitasato University School Of Medicine
MURASAKI Mitsukuni
Department of Psychiatry, Kitasato University School of Medicine
- (8)小児の代謝異常スクリーニングに関する研究(学生論文,第1回北里医学会総会抄録)
- 小児の代謝異常スクリーニングに関する研究 : (第2編)血漿アミノ酸値
- 小児の代謝異常スクリーニングに関する研究 : (第1編)尿スクリーニングテスト
- 基礎講座 老年期精神障害の薬物療法(17)高齢者のレム睡眠関連障害とその治療
- 児童青年期の強迫性障害 : 治療過程における症状改善と社会的機能改善の乖離
- 一市販液状鎮咳剤(通称ブロン)乱用者の社会的,精神医学的特徴 : シンナー及び覚醒剤乱用との比較
- 抗精神病薬クロカプラミンおよびその活性代謝物クロスピプラミンの血漿中濃度同時測定の臨床的意義
- Methamphetamine 逆耐性現象に対する低用量 haloperidol と選択的セロトニン2受容体遮断薬の効果
- Methamphetamine 逆耐性現象に対する低用量 haloperidol と選択的セロトニン2受容体遮断薬 ritanserin 併用の効果
- Methamphetamine逆耐性の形成過程に対する5-HT_2アンタゴニストの効果
- (4)精神疾患における赤血球膜と血小板のリン脂質の検討(一般演題,第8回北里神経研究総会抄録)
- Lithium の治療薬物モニタリング(TDM)実施患者のNon-parametric Population PK解析
- リチウムのTDMにおける電極法を用いた血中濃度迅速測定およびベイジアン法による投与設計の検討
- 遅発性ジスキネジアモデルラットを用いたバルプロ酸ナトリウムおよびクロナゼパムの臨床至適用量の検討
- 遅発性ジスキネジアモデルラットに対する clonazepam、sodium valproate の効果の検討
- 市販液状鎮咳剤乱用の病態 (薬物依存の臨床)
- 一般紙を用いた全国規模での被験者募集(2) : 地域別,人口別の検討
- 一般紙を用いた全国規模での被験者募集(1)
- 血小板のPI代謝回転, 40kDaタンパクのリン酸化, および細胞内Ca2+濃度に対する中枢作用薬の効果
- (4) 血小板凝集反応を用いた向精神薬の作用機序に関する研究(1. 一般演題,第5回北里神経研究総会抄録)
- 1E-6 Vigabatrinの第1相試験 : 精神作業検査に与える影響
- IC-26 てんかん発作重積状態 : 39例の経験
- II-C-19 発作性昏迷に大発作重積が重なった特異な1例
- 美容外科に対する精神科コンサルテーション
- シメチジン使用時に一過性に精神障害がみられた3例
- 1A-21 側頭葉てんかんにおける精神運動機能(1) : 非見本合わせ課題を用いて
- 北里大学病院及び北里大学東病院外来の初診患者における睡眠習慣と睡眠障害に関する調査研究 : 特に不眠症の実態について
- うつ病と身体症状 : 精神科入院患者を対象として(各科におけるうつ病)
- NEW DRUGS アリピプラゾール
- ベンゾジアゼピン系薬物による依存と記憶障害 (向精神薬の見逃されやすい副作用と対策)
- Effects of nocturnal bright light on saliva melatonin, core body temperature and sleep propensity rhythms in human subjects
- Preference for Morningness/Eveningness, Sleep Habits, Circadian Sleep Propensity and Melatonin Rhythm in Healthy Subjects
- Clinical characteristics of circadian rhythm sleep disorders
- 心の病気と脳の物質 (健康と化学)
- Correlation between the circadian sleep propensity rhythm and hormonal rhythms under ultra-short sleep-wake cycle
- Diurnal fluctuation of sleep propensity across the menstrual cycle
- Twenty-four hour profiles of four hormones under constant routine
- Human time production under constant routine
- Melatonin treatment for circadian rhythm sleep disorders
- Effects of small dose of brotizolam on P300
- Poor recovery sleep after sleep deprivation in delayed sleep phase syndrome
- Circadian rhythm sleep disorders in adolescents : Clinical trials of combined treatments based on chronobiology
- Periodic fatigue symptoms due to desynchronization in a patient with non-24-h sleep-wake syndrome
- Trials of bright light exposure and melatonin administration in a patient with non-24 hour sleep-wake syndrome
- Melatonin treatment for circadian rhythm sleep disorders
- Continuous measurement of temperature in non-24 hour sleep-wake syndrome
- Periodic Leg Movements during Sleep in Japanese Community-dwelling Adults Based on the Assessments of Their Bed Partners
- Prevalence of Sleep Disturbance and Hypnotic Medication Use in Relation to Sociodemographic Factors in the General Japanese Adult Population
- Lifestyles and sleep disorders among the Japanese adult population
- Effects of a small dose of triazolam on P300
- II-D-15 Repetitive absence statusを呈した成人の1例
- Latent cerebral artery stenoses on magnetic resonance angiography in a patient diagnosed as probable Alzheimer disease
- Partial Inhibition of Reverse Tolerance by a High Dose of Ritanserin or Low Dose of Haloperidol in Methamphetamine-Sensitized Rat
- 市販液状鎮咳剤乱用の病態
- うつ病院とセロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取込み阻害薬 (SNRI)
- 総合病院におけるSSRIの使用法
- 抗不安薬・睡眠薬依存の診断と治療の問題点 : 抗不安薬・睡眠薬依存の臨床
- 第31回GHP研究会
- MARTA (multi-acting receptor targeted agent)
- 薬物依存の病態と治療
- 非定型抗精神病薬 : その薬理学的特徴と治療現場にもたらす影響
- Effects of Washing Procedure on Platelets Pretreated with Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors in vitro : Low Ki Values Predict Long-Lasting Inhibition of Serotonin Uptake in vivo
- 精神薬理フォーラム
- Antisense hippocampal knockdown of NMDA-NR1 by HVJ-liposome vector induces deficit of prepulse inhibition but not of spatial memory
- Long-Lasting Inhibition of 5-HT Uptake of Platelets in Subjects Treated by Duloxetine, a Potential Antidepressant
- Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Interactions among Haloperidol, Carteolol Hydrochloride and Biperiden Hydrochloride
- Olanzapine versus haloperidol in the treatment of patients with chronic schizophrenia : Results of the Japan multicenter, double-blind olanzapine trial
- Effects of evening light on body temperature
- Differences in emotional distress between breast tumor patients with emotional inhibition and those with emotional expression
- Open study of effects of alprazolam on seasonal affective disorder
- Differential diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients and snorers using cephalograms
- Lithium for bipolar depression with chronic pain
- Epidemiological study on sleep habits and insomnia of new outpatients visiting general hospitals in Japan
- Survival analytic approach to long-term prescription of benzodiazepine hypnotics
- 精神科領域における適応外使用の現状 (特集 精神科領域の薬物療法Up to Date)
- Efficacy and safety of olanzapine, an atypical antipsychotic, in patients with schizophrenia : Results of an open-label multicenter study in Japan
- Olanzapine optimal dose : Results of an open-label multicenter study in schizophrenic patients
- Demographic features of patients seeking cosmetic surgery
- The Effects of Zolpidem and Zopiclone on Daytime Sleepiness and Psychomotor Performance
- The Effect of Zolpidem and Zopiclone on Memory
- Circadian rhythm sleep disorders
- Depression and Outcomes in Hospitalized Japanese Patients With Cardiovascular Disease : Prospective Single-Center Observational Study
- The role of sleep disturbance and depression in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Aging and circadian rhythms
- A 3-bp deletion of mitochondrial DNA tRNA^ observed in lymphoblastoid cells