- 論文の詳細を見る
Carbon composite iron ore hot briquet was new material for ironmaking and was made by binder-less briquetting in use of thermal plasticity of coal. Physical and chemical properties of the briquet were low slag rate, low porosity and high crushing strength without curing in comparison with carbon composite iron ore cold bonded pellet. In this paper, application of the briquet to shaft furnace was discussed. In order to clarify reduction and carburization of the briquet on condition of increasing in temperature, reduction experiments were carried out. The following results were obtained. (1) During reduction, crushing strength of the briquet did not decrease in widely difference from cold bonded pellet. (2) In heat-up reduction tests under load, reduction and carburization of the briquet occur in lower temperature in comparison with sinter and iron ore pellet. (3) Using the briquet in blast furnace simulator, temperature of thermal reserve zone decrease and CO gas utilization increase in comparison with sinter. It was expected that reaction efficiency of lumpy zone in blast furnace was improved by using the briquet.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
内藤 誠章
山形 仁朗
(株)神戸製鋼所 加古川製鉄所
松井 良行
山形 仁朗
笠井 昭人
(株)神戸製鋼所 加古川製鉄所
笠 井
内藤 誠章
松井 良行
(株)神戸製鋼所 加古川製鉄所技術研究センター
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