Abundance estimate of finless porpoises off the Pacific coast of eastern Japan based on aerial surveys
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We carried out an aerial survey to estimate the abundance of finless porpoises Neophocaena phocaenoides off the Pacific coast of eastern Japan between Sendai Bay (38°23N) and the mouth of Tokyo Bay (35°13N) in May and July 2000. In this region, almost nothing is known about the status of this species. Thirty-seven east-west transects (707.0 km in total) were flown at intervals of 11.1 km. A total of 59 animals (37 primary sightings) was observed along the transects. Although the finless porpoises in this area have been assumed to constitute a single population, two distributional gaps at around 35°N and 37°N suggest the possibility of population subdivision. Finless porpoise sightings were not restricted by distance from the coast, but by water depth (<40 m). The density and abundance of finless porpoises in the area from Sendai Bay to the east coast of Boso Peninsula were tentatively estimated at 0.502 animals/km2 and 3,387 animals (CV = 32.7%), respectively. This density was lower than in other areas around Japan.
- 2003-12-01
天野 雅男
天野 雅男
天野 雅男
天野 雅男
Amano M
International Coastal Research Center Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Amano M
Otsuchi Marine Research Center Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Amano Masao
Otsuchi Marine Research Center Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Amano Masao
Otsuchi Marine Research Center Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo Otsuchi
天野 雅男
Hayano Azusa
Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
College of Community Development, Tokiwa University
Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Hayano Azusa
Department Of Zoology Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Shirakihara Kunio
Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Nakahara Fumio
College Of Community Development Tokiwa University
Amano Masao
Faculty Of Fisheries Nagasaki University
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