Exacerbation of tracheobronchitis due to nontoxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae
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This is the first case report of exacerbation of tracheobronchitis due to nontoxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae in which tracheal pseudomembrane was identified and oral erythromycine therapy was very successful.
- 日本内科学会 = Japanese Society of Internal Medicineの論文
Fujimura Masaki
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
NODA Yatsugi
the Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Rosai Hospital
the Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Rosai Hospital
Hirone Takae
The Department Of Internal Medicine Toyama Rosai Hospital
Noda Yatsugi
The Department Of Internal Medicine Toyama Rosai Hospital
Noda Yatsugi
The Department Of Internal Medicine Toyama Rohsai Hospital
Matsuda Tamotsu
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
the Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Rosai Hospital
the Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Rosai Hospital
Matsuda Tamotsu
The Third Department Internal Of Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
Fujimura Masaki
The Third Department Internal Of Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
Shinagawa Shunji
The Department Of Internal Medicine Toyama Rosai Hospital
Mizuhashi Keiichi
The Department Of Internal Medicine Toyama Rosai Hospital
Takahashi Shigeo
The Department Of Internal Medicine Toyama Rosai Hospital
Hirose Takae
the Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Rosai Hospital
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