Effect of Picoplankton Synechococcus sp.on the Growth and Survival of Listonella anguillarum (Vibrio anguillarum)
楠田 理一
Maeda Hiroto
Lake Biwa Research Institute
Fish Disease Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
Kusuda Riichi
Fish Disease Laboratory Department Of Aquaculture Kochi University
Maeda H
Kagoshima Univ. Kagoshima Jpn
Fish Disease Laboratory, Department of Aquaculture, Kochi University,
SUENOBU Toshihide
Fish Disease Laboratory, Department of Aquaculture, Kochi University,
Suenobu T
Fish Disease Laboratory Department Of Aquaculture Kochi University
Suzuki Satoru
Fish Disease Laboratory Department Of Aquaculture Kochi University
Suenobu Toshihide
Fish Disease Laboratory Department Of Aquaculture Kochi University
Fish Dis. Lab., Fac. Agr., Kochi Univ.
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