A Virulent Cyanophage Affects the Seasonal Abundance of Cyanobacterial Picoplankton (Synechococcus sp.) in Kagoshima Bay
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To understand the ecological role of cyanophage and its effect on nutrients cycling in the coastal marine environment, it is critical to understand cyanophage infectivity and the interactions that occur between the phage and its host, marine cyanobacterial picoplankton (Synechococcus sp.). We previously isolated a new virulent cyanophage (strain S-KM1), and here have investigated its seasonal infectivity of cyanophage, phycoerythrinrich Synechococcus sp.(strain KFM001) in Kagoshima Bay. We found that the phage titers ranged from undetectable to 7.5×10^3/ml in autumn, and began to increase about one week after the onset of the Synechococcus autumn bloom. During the autumn months, the phage numbers oscillated in a fashion that mirrored levels of host abundance, showing a lag of about one week. We calculated that from 0.0055% to 2.1% of the host population per day was lysed by the phage during a Synechococcus bloom in autumn. This suggests that lytic phages have a noticeable effect on regulating the densities of marine Synechococcus populations.
- 日本微生物生態学会の論文
Okunishi Suguru
United Graduate School Of Agricultural Sciences Kagoshima University
Maeda Hiroto
Mie Univ. Tsu Jpn
Maeda Hiroto
Mie Univ. Mie Jpn
Maeda Hiroto
Lake Biwa Research Institute
Maeda Hiroto
Laboratory Of Microbiology Faculty Of Fisheries Kagoshima University
Sakata Taizo
Laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University
Laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University
Yoshikawa Takeshi
Laboratory Of Marine Microbiology Department Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Ky
Sakata Taizo
Laboratory Of Microbiology Faculty Of Fisheries Kagoshima University
Yoshimura Naoaki
United Graduate School Of Agricultural Sciences Kagoshima University
Sakata T
Department Of Biochemistry And Technology Of Marine Food And Resources Faculty Of Fisheries Kagoshim
Yoshikawa T
Department Of Biochemistry And Technology Of Marine Food And Resources Faculty Of Fisheries Kagoshim
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