Identification of individual barley chromosomes based on repetitive sequences : Conservative distribution of Afa-family repetitive sequences on the chromosomes of barley and wheat
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The Afa-family repetitive sequences were isolated from barley (Hordeum vulgare, 2n = 14) and cloned as pHvA14. This sequence distinguished each barley chromosome by in situ hybridization. Double color fluorescence in situ hybridization using pHvA14 and 5S rDNA or HvRT-family sequence (subtelomeric sequence of barley) allocated individual barley chromosomes showing a specific pattern of pHvA14 to chromosome 1H to 7H. As the case of the D genome chromosomes of Aegilops squarrosa and common wheat (Triticum aestivum) hybridized by its Afa-family sequences, the signals of pHvA14 in barley chromosomes tended to appear in the distal regions that do not carry many chromosome band markers. In the telomeric regions these signals always placed in more proximal portions than those of HvRT-family. Based on the distribution patterns of Afa-family sequences in the chromosomes of barley and D genome chromosomes of wheat, we discuss a possible mechanism of amplification of the repetitive sequences during the evolution of Triticeae. In addition, we show here that HvRT-family also could be used to distinguish individual barley chromosomes from the patterns of in situ hybridization.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
NAGAKI Kiyotaka
Dept. Hort, Univ. Wisconsin-Madison
Fac. Agri., Tottori Univ.
Kihara Inst. Biol. Res., Yokohama City Univ.
Junior College, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Sasakuma Tetsuo
Kihara Inst. Biol. Res. Yokohama City Univ.
Sasakuma Tetsuo
Kihara Institute For Biological Research And Graduate School Of Integrated Science Yokohama City Uni
Nagaki Kiyotaka
Dept. Hort Univ. Wisconsin-madison
Nagaki Kiyotaka
Kihara Institute For Biological Research Yokohama City University
Nagaki Kiyotaka
Kihara Inst. Biol. Res. Yokohama City Univ.
Sasanuma Tsuneo
Graduate School Of Integrated Science & Kihara Institute For Biological Research Yokohama City U
Tsujimoto Hisashi
Kihara Institute For Biological Research Yokohama City University
Tsujimoto Hisashi
Kihara Institute For Biological Research And Graduate School Of Integrated Science Yokohama City Uni
Tsujimoto Hisashi
Kihara Inst. Biol. Res. Yokohama City Univ.
Mukai Yasuhiko
Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, Division of Natural Science, Osaka Kyoiku University
Yamamoto Maki
Kansai University Of Welfare Sciences
Mukai Y
Osaka Kyoiku Univ. Osaka Jpn
Mukai Yasuhiko
Laboratory Of Plant Molecular Genetics Division Of Natural Science Osaka Kyoiku University
Fujigaki Junzo
Junior College Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, Division of Natural Science, Osaka Kyoiku University
Akagawa Keisuke
Laboratory Of Plant Molecular Genetics Division Of Natural Science Osaka Kyoiku University
Yamamoto Maki
Kansai Woman's College
Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
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