Influence of the Interproximal Attrition of Teeth on the Formation of Neanderthal Retromolar Space
Nara Takashi
東北大学 人体構造
百々 幸雄
百々 幸雄
聖マリアンナ医科大学 医学部解剖学講座
Sendai Medical Science School
Hanihara Tsunehiko
琉球大学 医学部解剖学第一分野
Nara T
Tohoku Univ. School Of Medicine Sendai
Hanihara T
Department Of Anatomy And Biological Anthropology Saga Medical School
DODO Yukio
Tohoku University School of Medicine
Hanihara Tsunehiko
Department Of Anatomy Kitasato University School Of Medicine
- 骨組織形態学的方法による骨小片の人獣鑑別:東北北部の平安時代遺跡から出土した焼骨の分析
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- 日本人の起源--頭蓋の形態小変異から推理する
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- Genotype frequencies of the ABCC11 gene in 2000-3000-year-old human bones from the Epi-Jomon and Jomon sites in Hokkaido, Japan
- Craniometric divergence history of the Japanese populations
- Dental diseases of human skeletal remains from the early-modern period of Kumejima Island, Okinawa, Japan
- Terminal Pleistocene human skeleton from Hang Cho Cave, northern Vietnam : implications for the biological affinities of Hoabinhian people
- Morphometric affinity of the late Neolithic human remains from Man Bac, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam : key skeletons with which to debate the 'two layer' hypothesis
- 東北地方にアイヌの足跡を辿る : 発掘人骨頭蓋の計測的・非計測的研究
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- Population history of northern Vietnamese inferred from nonmetric cranial trait variation
- 頭蓋の形態小変異からみたアイヌとその隣人たち : I. 東アジア・北東アジアにおける北海道アイヌの人類学的位置
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