cDNA Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Novel Calcium Binding Protein with Oligoproline Motif
Department of Pathology, Tokyo Dental College
Muramatsu T
Department Of Biochemistry Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Muramatsu T
Nagoya Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Nagoya Jpn
Muramatsu T
Department Of Biochemisry Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Department of Biochemistry, Nagoya University School of Medicine
OZAWA Masayuki
Department of Biochemistry, Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine
Ozawa Masayuki
Department Of Biochemistry Kagoshima University Faculty Of Medicine
Ozawa Masayuki
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Muramatsu Takashi
Department Of Biochemistry Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Japan Immunoresearch Laboratories
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University
Muramatsu Hisako
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Muramatsu Hisako
Department Od Biochemistry Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Yu Su
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Naved Apala
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Miyauchi Teruo
Japan Immunoreseach Laboratories Co. Ltd.
Muramatsu Takashi
Department Of Biochemistry
Department of Animal Breeding and Reproduction, Faculty of Agriculture Utsunomiya University
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- Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay for Midkine, and Its Application to Evaluation of Midkine Levels in Developing Mouse Brain and Sera from Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinomas.
- Zep: A Novel Zinc Finger Protein Containing a Large Proline-Rich Domain.