The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu University | 論文
- Antigenic and Functional Analyses of Glycoprotein of Rabies Virus Using Monoclonal Antibodies
- 犬におけるロタウイルスの抗体調査
- Relationship between the First Ovulation within Three Weeks Postpartum and Subsequent Ovarian Cycles and Fertility in High Producing Dairy Cows
- Prostaglandin F2α Differentially Affects mRNA Expression Relating to Angiogenesis, Vasoactivation and Prostaglandins in the Early and Mid Corpus Luteum in the Cow
- Induction of Ovulation with GnRH and PGF_ at Two Different Stages During the Early Postpartum Period in Dairy Cows : Ovarian Response and Changes in Hormone Concentrations
- 生後性成熟過程のウシ潜在精巣におけるα-SMAおよび vimentin の免疫組織化学的局在パターンの異常
- 博物館, その利用から考える
- 『食虫類の自然史』, 阿部永・横畑泰志編, A5判, 391ページ, 比婆科学教育振興会
- A High-Mr Glycoprotein Fraction from Cow's Milk Potent in Inhibiting Replication of Human Rotavirus in Vitro
- Changes in Plasma Metabolic Hormone Concentrations During the Ovarian Cycles of Japanese Black and Holstein Cattle
- In Vivo Evidence that Local Cortisol Production Increases in the Preovulatory Follicle of the Cow
- Metabolic Profiles in Ovulatory and Anovulatory Primiparous Dairy Cows During the First Follicular Wave Postpartum
- ホッキョクグマ(Ursus maritimus),ヒグマ(Ursus arctos)およびジャイアントパンダ(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)の橈側種子骨に関する比較解剖学的検討
- Changes in Follicular Vascularity during the First Follicular Wave in Lactating Cows
- 発情周期中およびプロスタグランジンF2α投与後のウシ黄体内でのアンジオポエチンと受容体TieのmRNA発現の変化:黄体退行開始機構への関与の可能性
- ウシ卵胞発育中の顆粒層細胞におけるアンジオポエチン-Tie系のmRNA発現
- The Bovine Lactophorin C-Terminal Fragment and PAS6/7 Were Both Potent in the Inhibition of Human Rotavirus Replication in Cultured Epithelial Cells and the Prevention of Experimental Gastroenteritis
- Relationships Between the First Ovulation Postpartum and Polymorphism in Genes Relating to Function of Immunity, Metabolism and Reproduction in High-producing Dairy Cows
- Basal Levels and GnRH-induced Responses of Peripheral Testosterone and Estrogen in Holstein Bulls with Poor Semen Quality
- Amino acid substitutions at positions 242, 255 and 268 in rabies virus glycoprotein affect spread of viral infection