Ntt Basic Research Laboratories | 論文
- Vertical Single Electron Transistors With Separate Gates ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Atomic-Like Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Dots ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- GaAs/AlGaAs/InGaAs Vertical Triple Barrier Single Electron Transistors
- GaAs/AlGaAs/InGaAs Vertical Triple Barrier Single Electron Transistors
- Sub-Micron Vertical AlGaAs/GaAs Resornarnt Tunneling Single Electron Transistor
- Quantized Conductance Observed in Quantum Wires 2 to 10 μm Long
- Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Excitation Spectra of YBa_2Cu_Zn_O_
- Epitaxy, Modification of Electronic Structures, Overlayer-Substrate Reaction and Segregation in Ferromagnetic Co Films on Se-Treated GaAs(001) Surface
- Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy of Ga 3d Two-Hole State of GaAs : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Scale up of In_xGa_A_s (x: 0.08 - 0.13) Platy Crystals for Semiconductor Laser Substrates
- Cu-NMR Study on Bilayer High-T_c Cuprate La_Ca_Cu_2O_(La2126)
- Optical Label Switching Using Optical Label Based on Wavelength and Pilot Tone Frequency (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Optical Label Switching Using Optical Label Based on Wavelength and Pilot Tone Frequency (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Carbom Atomic Layer Doping in AlGaAs by Metalorganic Chemical VaporDeposition and Its Application to a P-Type Modulation Doped Structure
- Low-Temperature GaAs Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Dimethylamine Gallane and Arsine
- Carbon Modulation-Doped P-AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- In Situ Optical Monitoring of the GaAs Growth Process in MOCVD
- Extremely Sharp Photoluminescence from InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells Grown by Flow-Rate Modulation Epitaxy : III-V Compound Semiconductors Devices and Materials(Solid State Devices and Materials 1)
- A Monte Carlo Supercell Approach for the Effects of Disorder on the Upper-Valley Electronic Properties in InGaAs Ternary Alloys
- Electron and Hole Proximity Effects in the InAs/AlSb/GaSb System