NTT LSI laboratories | 論文
- Schottky Contacts on n-InP with High Barrier Heights and Reduced Fermi-Level Pinning by a Novel In Situ Electrochemical Process
- 直列接続の共鳴トンネルデバイスを用いた量子機能回路
- 直列接続共鳴トンネル素子のスイッチング制御に基づく機能可変論理ゲート
- Photoluminescence from a Silicon Quantum Well Formed on Separation by Implanted Oxygen Substrate
- Electron Tunneling Process between the Two Ground States in Coupled Quantum Well Structure
- Tunneling Time between Resonantly Coupled Quantum Wells : Measurement and Comparison with h/ΔE
- p^+n接合を用いた共鳴トンネルトランジスタの電流変調機構とその応用
- p^+n接合を用いた共鳴トンネルトランジスタの電流変調機構とその応用
- 共鳴トンネル論理ゲートMOBILEを用いた論理回路
- Observation of a Radial Current at a Plug/Barrier Cell in GAMMA10 : Fluids, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- A Monte Carlo Supercell Approach for the Effects of Disorder on the Upper-Valley Electronic Properties in InGaAs Ternary Alloys
- プラズマ化学気相成長による選択チタンシリサイド膜堆積とシリサイド張り付けシリコン電極形成プロセス〔英文〕
- Thermal Stability of B-Doped SiGe Layers Formed on Si Substrates by Si-GeH_4-B_2H_6 Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Microoptical Two-Dimensional Devices for the Optical Memory Head of an Ultrahigh Data Transfer Rate and Density Sytem Using a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) Array
- Fabrication of Micro-Pyramidal Probe Array with Aperture for Near-Field Optical Memory Applications
- Quantized Conductance of a Silicon Wire Fabricated by Separation-by-Implanted-Oxygen Technology
- Rapid-Access System for Optical Disk Drive Using Feedforward Brake Pulse
- Surfaces and Interfaces of High-T_c Superconductors for Contact and Junction Formation Studied with Synchrotron Radiation Photoemisison Spectroscopy : High Temperature Superconducting Thin-Films(Solid State Devices and Materials 1)
- Structure and Bonding at the CaF_2/GaAs(111) Interface : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Application of Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy to the Study of Defects Induced by Arsenic Implantation