Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University | 論文
- Shrinkage Analysis of a Light-Cured Composite Resin in Cavities by X-ray CT Images
- Non-Local Model Analysis of Heat Pulse Propagation and Simulation of Experiments in W7-AS
- Mg-Al-Ca系ダイカスト合金の低応力域における高温変形挙動
- Convective cell dynamics in universal drift wave turbulence
- Control of chaos by linear and nonlinear feedback methods
- Study of Thermal Transport Effects on Drift-Tearing Mode
- Characteristics of Compression Wave generated by a High-speed Train entering Tunnel
- ECR Plasma CVD Using a Slotted Lisitano Coil
- Transport Coefficients of Indium Antimonide in a Magnetic Field
- Proposals for Remote Sensing of Electric Fields under Thunderclouds Using Laser Spectroscopy
- Formation of InAs Wires and Dots on Vicinal GaAs (110) Surfaces with Giant Steps by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Low-Energy Electron Diffraction Analysis on Initial Stages of Ge Growth on Si(111)(1×1) -As and As-Desorbed Si(111)(1×1) Surfaces
- Initial Stages of GaAs Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth on Porous Si
- Initial Stages of GaAs MBE Growth on Si(111)(√3×√3)-Ga Surfaces
- Comments on the Reflection/Excitation Properties of a Bipolar Potential Structure Used in Ion Wave Experiments : Nuclear Sciences, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Measurement of Ion Species Utilizing Ion-Bursts in an Ar/SF_6 Mixture Plasma
- Estimation of Electric Fields from Magnetic Field Distributions and an Application to Helicon Wave
- 電界効果トランジスタ (FET)型NOセンサに関する研究
- SPR免疫センサによるメタンフェタミン(覚醒剤)の高感度検出とその抗原抗体反応解析
- Nonlinear Saturation Mechanism of Ion-Ion Instability Due to Particle Trapping Effect