Institute of Technology and Science, the University of Tokushima | 論文
- Novel Tonal Feature and Statistical User Modeling for Query-by-Humming
- GaN Schottky Diodes for Microwave Power Rectification
- Localization of a Partial Discharge Source Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Estimation of the Number of Partial Discharge Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution of Electromagnetic Waves
- High speed genetic lips detection by dynamic search domain control (特集:システム制御のための画像応用技術)
- Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor Diode Characterization on n-GaN by Capacitance–Voltage Measurement at 150 °C
- Extraction of Liver Volumetry based on Blood Vessel Anatomy from Portal Phase CT Dataset
- Segmentation algorithm of colon based on multi-slice CT colonography (MEとバイオサイバネティックス)
- Segmentation algorithm of colon based on multi-slice CT colonography (医用画像)
- ICP Reactive Ion Etching with SiCl_4 Gas for Recessed Gate AlGaN/GaN HFET
- Classification of Liver Segments based on Blood Vessel Information using the Portal Phase of a CT Dataset
- EM3-2: Development of Diesel Soot Aftertreatment System using Barrier Discharge Plasma and Oxidation Catalyst(EM: Exhaust Emission Control and Measurement,General Session Papers)
- Influence of Dry Recess Process on Enhancement-Mode GaN Metal--Oxide--Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Emotion Recognition of Weblog Sentences Based on an Ensemble Algorithm of Multi-label Classification and Word Emotions
- Classification of Liver Segments based on Blood Vessel Information using the Portal Phase of a CT Dataset
- Wireless Inter-Chip Signal Transmission by Electromagnetic Coupling of Open-Ring Resonators
- Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching with SiCl4 gas for recessed gate AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field effect transistor
- 3G0948 リン脂質二重膜の圧力誘起指組み構造形成 : 疎水鎖長依存性と形成限界(生体膜・人工膜-構造・物性,口頭発表)
- Inactivation of MS2 Phage and Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts Using UV-A from High-Intensity Light-Emitting Diode for Water Disinfection
- Electrical Test Method for Interconnect Open Defects in 3D ICs