Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University | 論文
- Electrical Property of an Intercalated Compound, FeOCl(C_5H_5N)_
- Life Time of Excited State of F Centers in KCl : Ag
- OPtical Bleaching of F Center in KCl:Ag^+ Crystals
- Determination of the Ionization States of Field Evaporated Atoms with an Atom-Probe-FIM
- Difference of Relative Abundance Ratio of Field Evaporated Ions for Different Faces of the Molybdenum Crystal
- Formation and Characterization of AlGaAs Quantum Wires on Vicinal (110) Surfaces
- Effect of Ag Content on Properties of Sn-Ag Binary Alloy Solder
- 3P-002 時間分割X線結晶構造解析による銅・トパキノン含有アミン酸化酵素反応機構の構造学的研究(蛋白質-構造,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- A Field-Ion Microscope for Operation at 4.2 K
- SiC Whisker as a Field Emitter
- Effects of Repeated Polishing and Annealing on Fatigue Process of Copper : Experimental Studies on Fatigue Mechanism, 2nd Report
- 酸検出のためのハライド-ハレイト-酸系の電気化学反応特性〔英文〕
- Knowledge Discovery from Consumer Behavior in an Alcohol Market by Using Graph Mining Technique : An Example of Using an Active Mining Process for a Typical Business Application(Graph Data Mining)
- Knowledge Discovery from Consumer Behavior in an Alcohol Market by Using Graph Mining Technique : An Example of Using an Active Mining Process for a Typical Business Application(Graph Data Mining)(Joint Workshop of Vietnamese Society of AI, SIGKBS-JSAI, I
- Knowledge Discovery from Consumer Behavior an Alcohol Market by Using Graph Mining Technique--An Example of Using an Active Mining Process for a Typical Business Application (Joint Workshop of Vietnamese Society of AI, SIGKBS-JSAI, ICS-IPSJ and IEICE-SIGA
- A Plant Diagnosis Method Based on the Knowledge of System Description
- GTRACE : Mining Frequent Subsequences from Graph Sequences
- Morphology artd Crystallography of Thermoelastic γ' Cu-Al-Ni Martensite
- Origin of Memory Effect in Cu-Al-Ni Alloy
- 1P360 Imaging of COPII vesicle formation and budding from artificial membrane(13. Membrane transport,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)