Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University | 論文
- On the Mechanical and Thermal Stability of Low-Angle Boundaries in Zinc Single Crystals
- Construction of Protease-deficient Candida boidinii Strains Useful for Recombinant Protein Production : Cloning and Disruption of Proteinase A Gene (PEP4) and Proteinase B Gene (PRB1)(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- 1P351 Membrane transport assay system for transporter proteins using artificial lipid bilayers(13. Membrane transport,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Photoacoustie Spectroscopy on the Metallic Colloids in Ionic Crystal after Pulsed Electron Irradiation
- Studies on the Linear Antiferromagnets : Magnetic Susceptibilities of Cupric Quinone Complex Salts at Low Temperatures
- Transmission Electron Microscope Study of the Structure of High Temperature Beta Phase in Cu-Sn Alloy
- {1012} Transformation Twins in Hexagonal Martensite
- Temperature Distribution during the Martensite Plate Formation
- Density-Based Spam Detector(Internet Systems)(New Thechnologies and their Applications of the Internet)
- Dichroism of Z Bands
- Ionization States of Ions Field-Evaporated from the Refractory Metal Alloys
- Direct Observation of the Epitaxial Growth Phenomenon of Cesium on a Tungsten Emitter with a Field Emission Microscope
- Atom Probe Analysis of Random Image Spots Caused by Residual Gas Adsorption
- Field-Ion Microscope Images of Fe-Cu Alloy
- Gas-Surface Interaction in Atom-Probe Field-Ion Microscope
- Major Element Composition of Clay Minrals in the Murchison (C2) Carbonaceous Chondrite Matrix
- Magnetic and Crystallographical Properties of Hexagonal Barium Mono-Ferrite, BaO・Fe_2O_3
- Reaction of Magnesium Pinacolone Enolate with Benzaldehyde : Polar or ET Mechanism?
- Direct Rate Measurements of the Reactions of Benzophenone with RMgX and RLi : Effects of Substituents and Reagent Concentration on Rates
- Stress Amplitude and Temperature Dependence of Attenuation and Velocity of Acoustic Shock Pulse in High-Damping Mn-Cu Alloy