Institute For Biomolecular Science Faculty Of Science Gakushuin University | 論文
- An Endogenous Target Protease, SAM-P26, of Streptomyces Protease Inhibitor(SSI): Primary Structure, Enzymatic Characterizaion, and Its Interaction with SSI
- 有機溶媒耐性酵素を活用したケミカル生産(疎水性ケミカルのバイオプロダクションを目指した基盤研究)
- Effects of Partial Agonists and Mg^ Ions on the Interaction of M_2 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor and G Protein Gα_ Subunit in the M_2-Gα_ Fusion Protein
- Fibril Formation by an Amphipathic α-Helix-Forming Polypeptide Produced by Gene Engineering
- The Effect of Hairpin DNA Fragments on Escherichia coli Poly(U)-Dependent Poly(Phe)Synthesis
- Interference with Interaction between Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4G and Poly(A)-Binding Protein in Xenopus Oocytes Leads to Inhibition of Polyadenylated mRNA Translation and Oocyte Maturation
- Requirement of Ala Residues at g Position in Heptad Sequence of α-Helix-forming Peptide for Formation of Fibrous Structure
- Structure-activity analysis of an antimicrobial peptide derived from bovine apolipoprotein A-II
- Membrane Topology and Functional Analysis of Methylobacillus sp. 12S Genes epsF and epsG, Encoding Polysaccharide Chain-Length Determining Proteins
- Introduction of Enzymatic Activity to .ALPHA.-Lactalbumin by Artificial Exon Shuffling.
- Syntheses of Optically Active α-Amino Acids from Esters of α-Keto Acids by Hydrogenolytic Asymmetric Transamination, A Solvent Effect
- Binding Analysis of Xenopus laevis Translation Initiation Factor 4E (eIF4E) in Initiation Complex Formation.
- Structure-activity analysis of an antimicrobial peptide derived from bovine apolipoprotein A-II
- Active Bacterial Flora Surrounding Foraminifera (Xenophyophorea) Living on the Deep-Sea Floor
- Effects of Partial Agonists and Mg2+ Ions on the Interaction of M2 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor and G Protein Gαi1 Subunit in the M2-Gαi1 Fusion Protein
- Functional Tolerance of Streptomyces Subtilisin Inhibitor toward Conformational and Stability Changes Caused by Single-Point Mutations in the Hydrophobic Core.
- Codon and Base Biases after the Initiation Codon of the Open Reading Frames in the Escherichia coli Genome and Their Influence on the Translation Efficiency.