Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University | 論文
- Enzyme-Modified Cheese Exerts Inhibitory Effects on Allergen Permeation in Rats Suffering from Indomethacin-Induced Intestinal Inflammation
- Growth and uptake kinetics for nitrate, ammonium and phosphate by the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum isolated from Hiroshima Bay, Japan
- Genotypic Frequency in Asian Native Chicken Populations and Gene Expression Using Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) Gene Promoter Polymorphism
- Gene constitution of South-East Asian native chickens, commercial chickens and jungle fowl using polymorphisms of four calpain genes
- Raman Scattering and Infrared Absorption Investigation of Hydrogen Configuration State in Mechanically Milled Graphite under H_2 Gas Atmosphere (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 5-1 Soil microbial diversity and utilization of rock phosphate by African millet (Eleusine coracana) following different manure amendment to andosol
- Symbionts of marine medusae and ctenophores
- Compost amendment enhances the biological properties of Andosols and improves phosphorus utilization from added rock phosphate(Soil Fertility)
- BS-7-17 A Statistical Analysis of Spectrum Utilization using Long Term Measurement RF Data(BS-7. Network Planning, Control and Management)
- BS-7-16 Fast White Space Decision for a Tiled Region of a SpectrumMap Based on Spectrum Data Fusion(BS-7. Network Planning, Control and Management)
- Contribution of the Photo-Fenton Reaction to Hydroxyl Radical Formation Rates in River and Rain Water Samples
- Rapid and Highly Sensitive Determination of Low-Molecular-Weight Carbonyl Compounds in Drinking Water and Natural Water by Preconcentration HPLC with 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine
- Edwardsiella tarda のHEp-2細胞への付着性に及ぼす培地食塩濃度の影響
- Consumption of Pork-Liver Protein Hydrolysate Reduces Body Fat in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty Rats by Suppressing Hepatic Lipogenesis
- 鳥類の羽色変異--ニワトリの家禽化および在来鶏,愛玩鶏への品種分化解析の手がかりとしての羽色変異 (特集 毛や羽の色の遺伝学)
- Estrone Sulfate and Progesterone Profiles During Late Gestation in Recipient Cows Transferred Embryos Produced by Nuclear Transfer and In Vitro Fertilization
- The novel polymorphism of the beta 3-adrenergic receptor gene and its distribution in domestic pigs and wild boars in Asia
- Vibrio anguillarum のキノロン耐性機構
- 産卵鶏の子宮膣移行部における抗原提示細胞とT細胞の人工授精に伴う分布の変化
- Deformity of agglutinated pelvic fin membrane in hatchery-reared black rockfish Sebastes inermis and its application for stock separation study