Gits Waseda University | 論文
- Multiple shapes extraction with guidance to random sampling (コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア)
- BS-12-14 Peer to Peer Large Data Video Processing System(BS-12. Network Planning, Control, and Management)
- D-12-115 Study of Contrast Enhancement Based on Shadow Detection
- BS-8-9 Ontology-based context management agent for vertical handoff use fuzzy logic decision in heterogeneous network
- Subjective Evaluation of Experimental Talk-Together TV System
- Some Considerations on Talk-Back TV and Talk-Together TV Systems
- The VFT: a tree-based algorithm that is robust to partial-occlusions and rotation (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Study of Real-time Marker-based PC Detection for Visual Call Center Applications
- SB-10-3 Relative Positioning Systems for Wireless Emergency Services
- BS-11-5 Optimized Regime for 2R-Optical Regenerators Based on Self-Phase Modulation
- Leveraging Features from Background and Salient Regions for Automatic Image Annotation
- Analysis of the Educational Effect of Eye-Contact and Former-Type Systems of Distance Learning through Video Conferencing Systems and Face-to-Face Learning
- B-19-9 Applying Game Factors to Learning Management System in Chinese Learning
- BS-8-4 Application for Integrating Simultaneous Input Devices into Electronic Whiteboards(BS-8. Technology and Architecture for Ubiquitous Network Systems,ENGLISH SESSION)
- A-8-1 An Interactive Classroom for Developing Countries
- B-19-22 Towards a Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Approach for Alert Notification
- Simplified Thai Script : On-line Handwriting Recognition Text Input Method for Thai
- BS-10-20 On Data Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks(BS-10. Network Planning, Control, and Management)
- Utilizing Users' Watching Sequences and TV-programs' Metadata for Personalized TV-program Recommendation
- Analyzing the "●" Communication System’s Effect on Users’ Self-Disclosures during Tele-Communication Session (パターン認識・メディア理解)