Gits Waseda University | 論文
- I_053 Object Detection by Using Marker Assistance
- B-16-13 Location management of the emergency caller in IP-based E911 network
- BS-10-10 RFID Indoor Tracking using Kalman Filter and RFID Map Matching
- BS-10-6 Performance Analysis of IrBurst for High-Speed exchange of Large Data Objects(BS-10. Network Planning, Control, and Management)
- BS-10-5 An Effective Error Control Scheme for No-Packet-Level Acknowledgement Protocol in Infrared Wireless LANs(BS-10. Network Planning, Control, and Management)
- BS-15-22 Fuzzy-based Semantic Clustering Routing for Wireless Sensor Network(BS-15.Network Planning, Control, and Management,ENGLISH SESSION)
- H-029 Study of Optimizing the Parameters in the Weighted Histogram Equalization for Stereoscopic Enhancement
- D-12-62 Study of 3D Contrast Enhancement Based on Weighted Histogram Equalization
- Study of extracting multiple independently moving objects and estimating the egomotion from active stereo sequences (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- I-059 Image-based Assistance to Fire Extinguishing System with Mote
- A-21-13 A Study on MOTES to Assist Fire Extinguishing System(A-21. センサネットワーク, 基礎・境界)
- Performance Evaluation of IrSimple Protocol and Its Efficiency Enhancement with Effective Error Control and Flow Control Schemes
- IrBurst Modeling and Performance Evaluation for Large Data Block Exchange over High-Speed IrDA Links
- D-15-18 Human-Computer Interfaces for Teaching with Electronic Boards
- BS-9-5 Heterogeneous Energy-efficient Approach for Sensor Network(BS-9. Latest Trends on Information Networking Technologies)
- Distributed QoS Scheme for Multimedia Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Network(Advances in Ad Hoc Mobile Communications and Networking)
- B-15-21 Admission Control and Simple Class based QoS Provisioning for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
- B-15-16 A Research on Near Field Visible Light Data Communication
- A-14-8 A Fundamental Study of Topic Changes Prompted by the "●" Communication System(A-14. ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎, 基礎・境界)
- Context aware navigation system for hospital (モバイルマルチメディア通信)