General Education Department Niigata University | 論文
- Diamagnetic Properties of Molten Cuprous Halides and Their Mixtures
- Liquid-Like Model for the Ultrasonic Attenuation In Superionic Conductors:Application to α-Ag_2Te
- The Mechanism of the Large Residual Resistivity in CePd_3 : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Heavy Electrons : Theory
- Phase Transition in Superionic Conductor Ag_2Se:A Molecular Dynamics Study
- A Model for the Ultrasonic Attenuation in Superionic Conductors
- Specific Heat of Liquid Se-Te Alloys
- Specific Heat of the Superionic Conductor Ag_2Te_xS_
- On Metallization of CsI under Pressure
- Electronic Structure of CePd_3
- Specific Heat of Superionic Conductor Ag_2S,Ag_2Se and Ag_2Te in α-Phase
- Analysis of Raman Spectra from Heavily Doped p-GaAs
- Charge Density Waves and Fermi Surface of LaGe_2
- Numerical Simulation of THz Radiation by Coherent LO Phonons in GaAs p-i-n Diodes under High Electric Fields(Condensed matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 30aPS-36 Ultrafast carrier dynamics and generation of coherent oscillations in GaAs p-i-n diodes
- Kondo-like Effect of Atomic Motion on Resistivity in Pb_Ge_xTe
- Band Theory of the Intermetallic Compound UGe_3
- Spin-Polarised Energy Bands for MnPt_3,FePd_3 and PtFe_3
- Band Theory of the Intermetallic Compound LaSn_3
- Light Scattering by Electronic Excitations in n-Type GaAs-Al_xGa_As Superlattices
- 6aSJ-3 3次元擬単純立方格子フォトニック結晶における面欠陥モードの非対称な局在(フォトニック結晶,領域5,領域1合同,領域5)